Locust Dale, VA(Zone 7a)

Have lived here for 20 years. Have always had, and embraced, the wildlife of the area. But this year we have more rabbits who are completely unafraid of humans everywhere. Look outside the windows and at any time see 3-5 of every age - walk outside and they stand still until you are within six inches literally shouting shoo. Damage has actually been minimal so far (I'm a flower gardener, not a veggie gardener) tho the Glads are history. What do I do, or do I just not worry? I'm afraid that this year's bunny abundance will be next year's bunny nightmare. (have fenced those plants I worry about, again damage is so far minimal. But it's almost a bit creepy as to how many there are!)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't know how large your garden is, but some chicken wire fencing around is one option--takes some time to set up, but will keep working. There are various things you can spray on plants to repel them from eating them too, but those will need to be reapplied periodically.

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

Try used dryer sheets sprayed with ammonia held in place with garden staples next to plants you want to protect. Used kitty litter may also ward them off (but it could attract other cats). The smell of ammonia is offensive to raccoons, squirrels, skunks, and chipmunks, too. Respray the dryer sheets with ammonia after it rains. You could also mix 1 Tbs of ammonia in a gallon of water and use it to spray directly on plants. It won't harm plants since it's basically a nitrogen fertilizer.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

There is another alternative. Sprinkle daffodils around your yard, particularly closer to plants you most covet. I had problems with significant rabbit and vole damage, but since daffodil bulbs are poisonous, and their little noses tell them that, they steer clear of my plants.

Find a small daffodil that you like. Remember that big strapping daffodils leave big strapping foliage. I personally use WP Milner a miniature division 1 daffodil, for this purpose. It works, and has the additional bonus of being permanent.

I lived in a community with a billion bunnies. They would overwinter and leave "presents" in the spring - thousands of them. They would nip the tops off lilies and dig up a bed of 48 double tulips I would plant each year. I would use hardware cloth upon planting, but as the bulbs came up they would eat them. Mixing in a few daffs put a stop to that.

Franklin, TN

Get Liquid Fence. Smells like rotten eggs. Will keep them at bay. I've tried everything else but this does the job better. Need to re-apply after a rain or watering (unless you are using a drip irrigation system.). If you stay with it for a while (month or so) they will find your neighbors garden and leave yours alone!

(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

Nature may take it's course and help balance it out. We had a similar problem with chipmunks. Suddenly they are a rare sight, we think we know why. A red tail hawk discovered tone smorgasbord amend makes our neighborhood home.

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