2012 Yearlists page 2

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yippee! Big congrats.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I went through the pix.

105 - Snow Bunting.

Oh, and as an FYI, we saw a cool Dark morph Rough-legged Hawk.

PERTH, Australia

Wonderful, Mrs Ed. Congratulation on making it to a hundred.

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Yay.....Congratulation! Great find with the Rough-legged Hawk.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Bern, Margaret and Patti. Of course it is sunny today, so perhaps my pix would have turned out better. But still, I learned a lot. Mainly, I need better binoculars. And here I thought mine were fairly decent!

(Zone 5a)

Congratulations on getting past 100!! And you got some great birds, too. I've yet to see a Ring-necked Duck.

Not a lifer or a year bird even, we got our very first yard bird Black-capped Chickadee. Even my husband was jumping up and down excited.

PERTH, Australia

So Resin, who wins the Rolex watch?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Quote from MargaretK :

So Resin, who wins the Rolex watch?

Rolex watch?? Have you got one that you're donating to the cause?!?

My last ditch attempt to add Glaucous Gull failed, it didn't show, and it's dark now. So I'm stuck on 226, no change since 8 November. I'll tot up the totals later tonight (in case anyone west of here does get a late last bird!).


PERTH, Australia

No, I don't have one. I thought you did and were going to give it as a prize to the winner. :)

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Nope, but I have got an ex-watch that I can roll across to the winner.


PERTH, Australia

Ha ha.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I just was adding up my yard birds (55) and found a duplicate entry, so my total for 2012 is only 104.

Who is up for a 2013 Count? I'm going to try for a personal big year.

(Zone 5a)

Mrs. Ed,

We went to bed the 31st, eager to wake up and start our 2013. It has been an amazing (for us) year so far and only 3 days into it. This morning, three Common Redpolls came to our feeding area!! Now if only that Snowy Owl would be so kind as to be a yard bird. :D

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

oh man, can you imagine a snowy in your yard? That reminds me. I do not count birds that I have heard only. I often hear a barred owl in the neighborhood but did not count it.

(Zone 5a)

That would be amazing, but since we are out in the country and one was spotted 6 miles from here in November, I am hoping... A couple days after that sighting, we were often scanning the perimeter of our acreage and the fields around us.

We will count what we hear so long as it's positively identifiable, but so far we've been able to see the bird eventually. Like the Great Horned Owl, we've only heard them around our place, but did see one nesting elsewhere. And that silly Bobwhite we had last summer. We heard him for about two weeks before he actually perched on a post.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

If I was counting for something official, then yah, i'd count the sounds since it is allowed. But since it is just for my own enjoyment an knowledge, I get to make up my own rules. ha

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)


Elphaba 369
Resin 226
P_Edens 172
Chillybean 171
Burd_Fotos 112 (not up to date)
Mrs_Ed 104
MargaretK 90

Apologies for any errors and omissions, if there are any, post below and I'll edit them in

Just started the 2013 thread, please head here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1292699/


PERTH, Australia

Thanks, Resin and congratulation to Elphaba, who romped it home. Congratulations to everyone else who beat me, which is everyone. LOL

Mrs Ed, I have a feeling that this year will be a particularly good one, with lots of new birds.

I count birds that I hear, as long as I'm absolutely positive the identification is correct.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Congratulations Elphaba! And congrats to all for getting out there and enjoying our feathered friends.

Resin, Thanks for keeping up with these listing threads, our counts and for providing the encouragement and expertise.

Everyone, Thanks to all for a fun thread with lots of interesting banter. This was my first time to participate and I was so happy to see that the thread for 2013 is already up. I'm in!


Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Congratulation to all, with their great record. It was fun to follow. I will try to be more organized for this year and report my total.
Elphaba, what a great year you had!!!!

Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks y'all! Actually ended with Texas count of 375 and US count of 389. Got Common Redpoll in South Dakota. There were tons of them! There were a lot of great birds in Texas right at the end of the year too, but I was out of town for most.

Can't remember what my last 6 were maybe Horned Grebe, Pine Siskin, Hooded Merganser, Allen's Hummingbird, Broad-billed Hummingbird, oh and Fork-tailed Flycatcher!

I'm going to see a lark bunting today, not too common in these parts. It's hanging out in a friend's backyard!

Happy New Year! and great birding in 2013!

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