More babies

Bridgewater, ME

Silkie babies in the coop with the mama,daddy and auntie looking on,some in the house in the brooder and some still in the bator waiting to dry off and some still to hatch.The orp chicks will go under the orp broody out in the run that in a dog house sitting on wooden eggs till she has babies to put under her.

Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Daddy and auntie are a little wet cause they been outside and its raining.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

very cute! =))

Brownstown, IN

Soo cute!
I just bought 10 Silkie babies! I just love watching them.


Bridgewater, ME

I love silkies they are my favorite

Brownstown, IN

Mine too, looks and personality and so loveable.


Richmond, TX

I think my hens must want some babies too; they have adopted a feral kitten. At least I think it is feral; it showed up the morning of the 5th in the chicken area of the barn and it seems very wary and shy. Perhaps someone dumped it the night before or it ran away from "home" scared by the fireworks and followed the light to my barn. The chickens accept it as one of them so I may have another barn cat.

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