Aphids or Mites-or something else-??

Lexington, KY(Zone 6b)

Something is chewing the heck out of my broccoli leaves. They are chewing enormous holes in not only my broccoli, but my kale 3 ft. away. All I can find are tiny tiny white specks-some kind of insect. They do NOT fly. I'm guessing aphids, but as I'm researching this, I do not see aphids described as white. Maybe mites? If so, what is a good organic pesticide? Any suggestions will be most appreciated. I grew these things from seed back in February, so I hate to lose them!

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

Neither aphids or mites make holes- you have worms, beetles, earwigs, slugs, or other critters! Please show photos- and look for droppings, slimy trails, etc to determine what it is. They may be night feeders in which case get a flashlight and do night duty!

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