Back Again

Fort Dodge, IA

Hello all. I hung out here a bit last spring as I was building my flower beds and wanted to share how they were looking this year.

This was just a hill covered in Crown Vetch that spans the upper driveway and lower driveway. I had been trying to plant it but it always looked like a weedy mess. ( I still pull Crown Vetch
out every day!) I was browsing a landscape book at Menard's waiting for my husband and saw these raised planters done with the wood this way and knew I had found what I wanted to do. I loved the country feeling the wood gave vs. the more formal look of the retaining wall paver things.

Last year I only had enough plants to fill in the bottom bed once it was done, I actually planted a vegetableable garden in the upper flower beds. LOL This year a friend bought a new house and tore out the existingting garden and let me have all the plants. 1 1/2 truck loads later the rest of the house is starting to look planted too! The top beds are still looking a little bare as there are some new plants in there that need to fill out, foxglove, hollyhocks, a Russiansian sage but I'm hoping next year it will look as full and lush as the lower beds do now!

In the photo of my door, the hostas were the only plants planted around the deck, that is all new.

The last photo is from the back of the house, I just stared working on that bed yesterday. I have to live with the air conditioning unit, but am tring to incorporatecorprate it into the landscape.

Well that's where we are this year with the gardens.

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Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Welcome back, and nice job on the gardens!

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