Bed Pan Garden update

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

I finally ordered the plants for this garden from I've got to paint the outhouse, construct the clothes line post out of wooden chopsticks and paint them and lay the path. This will give you an idea tho of what it will look like. The clothes on the line came from and I think they are precious. Just wanted to share as several people have asked me about it lately.

This message was edited May 30, 2012 10:24 AM

Thumbnail by joycerogers0713 Thumbnail by joycerogers0713 Thumbnail by joycerogers0713
Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh, your bed pan garden is gonna be a real thrill! I love all that you have to place in it! Where did you find the outhouse? I want one!!

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Hey Bev, How you doin' girl? I'm so glad you like my garden. I found the outhouse at for $8.99. What are you working on now? I've also (for 3 weeks) been working on a lagoon pond I bought from Janit. Pouring resin water thin layers at a time, letting it dry for 3 days, pouring another layer, letting that dry, etc. Taking a long time but the final product will be worth it. Adding Koi on different layers. I have tiny water lily's for top layer. I'm anxious to get it done.

Thumbnail by joycerogers0713
Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Hi Laney, I've been busy in the garden, in the basement making papercrete pots and houses, and making accessories for the mini gardens. I can't say that I've made much headway on any front, but hoping to do so before long, lol.

That lagoon sounds like a real testy project, but I bet it will be awesome once done. Does pouring thin layers help it dry harder and/or minimize the air bubbles? The koi distribution will make it look almost real!! Now I can't wait to see that one too, lol!!

Have fun, and thanks for the outhouse link!

Here's a pic of Henrietta, my Japanese boxwood in one of the inverted propane tank lids I may have mentioned before. She is the lone survivor of the many boxwood cuttings I took last fall (they were covered with too many leaves and didn't get enough water or sun). I'm babying her and she is finally doing very well!

Thumbnail by Sundownr
Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Bev, of all your gardens I've seen I think this is my favorite! What type of glue did you use for the stacked stone? That boxwood looks great! Congrats on the propagation too. I love the design of this garden. I wish all of us mini gardeners lived closer to each other. It would be so much fun to have mini garden workshop/parties! How I envy the people who get to go to Janits workshops. The bluestar creeper look so healthy too. I haven't tried it in our Mississippi heat but your garden makes me want to try it. Love... love... love your work! I was up all night with insomnia so as not to waste the time I got the clothes line finished. The wires holding the clothes are not even, the middle one hangs a little lower than the end ones, but when I had a real clothes line it did the same thing so I'm not going to take it apart to fix it. Would be just to much trouble. I'll post a pic some time today. Talk to you later Hon, and have a great day, Laney

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Bev, just reread your post and realized I didn't answer your question about the layers of resin in the lagoon. That's just how the directions said to do it, and all the diorama directions said the same thing about resin water but didn't specify why. I think it's to let the layers dry more completely.

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Ok, here we go with the pic... What do you think? See how the middle one droops more than the other two. Should I take it apart and make them all the same?

This message was edited May 30, 2012 10:38 AM

Thumbnail by joycerogers0713
Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Laney, I love the little clothesline just the way it is!! You are like me and let the tiny imperfections get to you, lol. Honestly, you're the only one who sees them. Some of us are trying to mimic real life, and real life is very imperfect as you said of your old clothesline. I vote to leave what you have alone and move to the next component!

That does make sense that the layered resin would dry quicker and easier in thin layers,...woooo that's tedious! You're a patient person, lol.

Thank you for the kind words...seems we have a mutual admiration society going on here, as I love your minis, too! I do wish some of us lived closer and could exchange ideas in person!! The only "glue" holding the stacked stone wall in Henrietta's dish is sand and soil. It's holding up pretty well considering the number of times I've moved her, (including hauling her back and forth to the Farmer's Market as a demo), and the number of bad storms we've had (she stays outdoors). I collected another box of rocks (shale and slate) from a mountainside on my way back from WV today. I'm so excited about what I can make with them!! I just wish someone would come clean the house, cook, and finish the garden so I could play more, lol.

I can't wait to see your completed minis!!

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

You made me laugh out loud with that comment about cleaning the house! I love a clean tidy house. I just don't have one! The pan from last nights ribs is still "soaking" in the sink, but the clothes line is finished! (I do have my priorities. lol) You are so fortunate to have the mountains where you can just pick up the stone. Flat land here in south MS.

You're right about imperfections. I'll leave it alone. I have hand tremors today so I'd probably screw it up anyway if I tried to adjust it. I kinda like it now that I look at it. Thank you for your kind words also. I wish I wouldn't doubt my abilities so much. Like you said I'm the only one that would notice it. Once I spray the clothesline with Krylon it will be ready to place in the garden. Next project is to lay the path and paint the outhouse. Then it will be finished (yea)!

What kind of a reception are you having with the market? Do many people come by? I hope it will be a wonderful success for you. I fell in love with your teeny tiny garden you posted on facebook.

Good luck with all of your projects. The house work will still be there when you get ready to do it! Well it's time for this ole gal to take a nap. Been up since 7:30 yesterday morning and it's catching up with me. (I'm so glad I live alone and can do what I want when I want to do it.)

Later, Laney

This message was edited May 30, 2012 2:27 PM

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Trying to decide whether to paint the out house or let it age naturally. Thinking 'bout light grey with dark gray roof, or maybe just a stain. But then a white wash with black roof has crossed my mind. Decisions...decisions... I dreamed once it was yellow with pink, blue and purple flowers and peace signs like a 60's VW! lol

Thumbnail by joycerogers0713 Thumbnail by joycerogers0713 Thumbnail by joycerogers0713
Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

I've had a fairly good reception from the Farmer's Market vendors and shoppers and it's picking up more every week. I decided to keep to the smaller less expensive items for now. The shoppers like the papercrete pots and mini accessories, but don't seem to know what to do with them, or what a miniature garden is. I started planting a few pots, recycled items, and the tank lid as examples. The little planted pots sell immediately, so I'm convinced folks either don't have time, afraid to experiment, or don't have the imagination/inspiration. I'm working on a photo album to help with that and have a demo dish of sand with kiddie toys to use as a mock up, too. It draws in the kids and the parents aren't far behind, lol.

I have a houseful of menfolk with varying work schedules, and I'm an insomniac, so sometimes I'm up for days (or sleep for days), too! Thus my messy house, lol. I envy your being able to work/play your own hours!!

If it were my outhouse, I'd let it age naturally like most all real ones I've seen in the hills back home. I'd have to rough it up a bit too, hehehe. You'll have to be the judge with yours if you think it needs color... maybe a washed out color, or crackle finish!!

Your bed pan mini is almost done! Get some rest and take care of yourself!

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

I'm so happy for your success with the Farmers Market. It is a lot of work, I'm sure, but fun too. Also thrilled that you are helping spread the word about miniature gardening. So many people never heard of it.

"A house full of men folk"... makes me think your real name is Snow White! lol

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

If there were just a few more of the menfolk, I'd be thinking I was Snow White too, LOL!

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

It's finished!

Thumbnail by joycerogers0713 Thumbnail by joycerogers0713
Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

I'm impressed . . . so very cute!! You did a great job Laney!!

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Thanks Bev, it was a lot of fun.

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

I completed the Koi pond for the next mini garden. This took a month to do because you can only pour a thin layer of resin water at a time for it to dry properly.

Thumbnail by joycerogers0713
Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Laney, It's have so much patience!

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Thanks Bev, it did take a lot of patience but at my age that's about all I've got!

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Well I'm glad you're taking good advantage of it, LOL!

South, TX

So cute!!! I love the garden, clothes and pond!

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Thanks Sally, Hope this finds you having a good day. I sure do miss pics of your lovely creations.

South, TX

Thank you so much Joyce. I am slowly improving. I never go outside to garden now. I am not well enough but also, heat is a huge trigger for Dysautonomia (P.O.T.S.)Staying cool inside. I do enjoy my African violets inside! Hubby is planting my flowers now.

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Sally, it is so good to hear from you. I'm thankful to hear of your improvement, tho be it slowly. I am praying for you. I know you miss being able to garden outside but am glad you are able to take care of your violets. I had over 1500 AV's before I moved to an apartment and they brought me so much joy. There's always room for one more! I am just amazed at the improvement made in AV's over the last 30 years.
Sending my love, thoughts and prayers to you, Laney

South, TX

Thanks Laney! Supplements have been a miracle for me. I pray every night and will include you. I appreciate your prayers.

Yes, AV's are addictive!!!

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