Caterpillar on Lupine

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

It's been very hot and dry, and a few days ago I noticed some of my otherwise healthy lupines going limp. When I took a closer look, I found that the plants were being attacked by lots of these caterpillars. Small, black dots (eggs) were laying on leaves, and a webbing enclosed many of the larger groups of caterpillars. I've sprayed with Bt and cut out portions of the lupines that were beyond saving since they were thick with eggs and caterpillars. I've been growing lupines for many years and have never seen these destructive things. Can anyone identify them? What else should I be doing to save my lupines from this infestation?

Thumbnail by 1alh1 Thumbnail by 1alh1
Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

I've identified this pest. It's the Genista Broom Moth caterpillar (Uresiphita reversalis). Usually found further west, it has managed to take advantage of our unusually warm/hot spring and move to my beautiful lupines. It is also fond of shrubs in the Cytisus family.

Grafton, WI

Thanks, I just posted about this pest.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

You guys are farther north than those of us that have been fighting the massive swarms of cats that turn into moths down here in the south. It is a VERY bad year for the things, and with the drought just south of ya? well you are apt to be hit by them migrating to find food, not sure what to use on em, agricultural county extension agents probably have a better idea of what you need to use, but most of em will tell you treat fast, and keep eyes out for the waves of em we are having this year...

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

I spray either Bt or Neem after the sun has gone down, and this has taken care of the caterpillars. We're in the midst of a drought, too. The only critters that have slowed down are the slugs. The bigger ones like raccoons, opossums, squirrels, and groundhogs are rampant. We haven't found anything that deters them for very long. We have noticed, however, that the raccoons seem to enjoy using our cat's outdoor litterbox. (Ugh!)

Grafton, WI

Thanks, 1alh1.

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