(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Swaps are such fun and allow us to show our creativity in a specific catagory. Anyone can go wild with one idea, but what if we raise the bar a bit?
Earlier this year we kicked around some ideas for the summer and out popped part of the bride's poem, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue..." for a June swap. Don't panic, this isn't about marriage or brides but a challenge to your creativity.
Each package will have four items, yes only four. One for each piece of the rhyme. I will concede that if you are giving, say a matched set of something, it will be the same as one item. Example: box of tea bags, bag of candy, two matched dish towels, pair of socks (ROFLMAO), etc. Any card you include would not count.
Now for the fun part. Old can be something truly old: antique, me, grandmother's garters, geez where am I going? Something repurposed,a baby from a plant you have had for many years, last year's fruit cake, cookies made from an old recipe which is included, etc.
New is pretty self explanatory isn't it?
Borrowed is one we have cussed and discussed: perhaps something you got from another swap, something that was given to you rather than purchased, something of your neighbor's (Oops here I go again), no nothing illegal please. We can surely talk about it before we hand out names.
Blue, well there are hundreds of shades of blue and thousands of things that are blue even before you get to sad, jazz, or bluegrass.
Everyone will keep their secret identity secret till packages are posted. Please send me a dmail with your address and contact info when you sign up. If there is something you would like but haven't seen a swap with it offered, now is the time to speak up. No one will listen but you will feel better. LOL Seriously, this is going to be a great chance to really get the creative juices flowing and let our imagination run wild!
We will close sign ups June 14, get names on the 15th, and hope to have all our packages in the wind by July 4th. $20 limit on boxes, not counting postage please. Everyone get a delivery confirmation number and forward it to me if you wish, but don't post it online. Let's have some fun!!!!!

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

careyana (Carey)
Crit (Patti)
FruitoftheVine (Susan)
Garden Quail (Michelle)
happgarden (Joyce)
jxstiger (Jax)
lizrainey (Liz)
scbuttercup (Judy)
susanl61520 (Susan)
taters55 (Linda Kay)
warriorswisdomkathy (Kathy)
Rouxcrew (Joy) - Love repurposed, junk gypsy things, BBB plants, and any shade of blue.

This message was edited Jun 14, 2012 10:25 AM

Cuyahoga Heights, OH(Zone 5a)

I'm in! Sounds like a challenge ;)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Waving frantically! I've been waiting for this one.

Great explanation, Joy, and a very fresh, totally unique idea.

Edited to add a few hints. This is not the easiest swap any of us have been in and definitely need to put on my thinking cap for my buddy.

Likes, most everything you'd call junk and have stashed in a closet or a garage.

#1 on the list is glass, any kind -- Depression glass, paperweights, mosaics, stepping stones, small gazing balls
Any kind of Rusty stuff, especially if it shows age and has a patina
Pretty Pottery Plates, Cups, Planters or Urns, especially those with shabby-chic Floral designs
Old Sprinklers & Watering Cans
Repurposed anything
Garden Critters -- Bunnies, Turtles, Frogs
Anything Copper -- I've been eying one of those whirly-gigs
Old wooden toolboxes and hand made tools

This message was edited May 26, 2012 9:55 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Me too! Sounds like fun!!!

Pacifica, CA

joy me too!!!!!

i like old things too for the garden, i like all themes and critters
i am a collector in the kitchen as well lots of grey granitware, old cook books
old cooking gadgets and cookie cutters.
i dont care for anything with cheese or coconut in it.
love chocolate, coffee

This message was edited May 29, 2012 1:01 PM

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b) I am, waving my hand toooo! This one sounds like it might be fun...........

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Creative juices???? This sounds like a scary prospect...and since I'm not spending much time outside already, June is destined to be a HOT one! SIGN ME UP! - Joy, do you need my info?

For my likes, well, I have almost no garden decor, so anything you send will be great.

I will warn that you'll have to explain what to do with it! lol

I live in zone 8b/9a and have almost NO shade, other than where the deer and squirrels play! I'm forced to use containers as usable soil is scarce as the yard is pockmarked with exposed limestone, clumpy clay, and caliche. The backyard is pretty bare except for wildflowers that grace us, being one of the few items that will grow in the scrabble. So full sun plants, especially fragrants, are popular with me.
We have 3 golden retrievers (sometimes 4 if we're fostering for a rescue) and the wildlife that visit us. I have raised beds with a few roses, and raised beds for herbs and veggies (when the raccoon/skunk doesn't eat them. Grr)

I like vines, thorny things, smelly things, tropical things, succulent things. In short, I like pretty much everything! I like bright cheerful colors and things that make me smile or laugh. (that's easier than it sounds - I'm easily amused!) so if it makes you giggle, you can bet I'd like it! I could always use birdfeeders, birdhouses and things to attract hummers and butterflies. I also like decorations featuring the above! I'm starting to collect wind chimes too, and have lots and lots of branches to decorate with all of them. :)

This message was edited May 31, 2012 4:54 PM

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

So glad y'all could join us!!!!

Heck, Carey, I have you on speed dial waiting for the Peach Jamboree! We are good.


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

HA! I was going to send you and Sandi a dmail to find out which day works best! Looks like Thurs and Fri are going to be night only, and Saturday's events start at 7am! (although I can't see any of us wanting to run a 5k) :)

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

count me in please :)

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

This sounds like fun Joy and it's good to see you here. I'll have to think on it a little before I sign up though. Hmmmm

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

.........i wanna.........but i scarid! me creative juices blew a fuse years ago!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Come on you two, you can do it!

(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

I've been waiting for this one, I'm in!

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

...........let me hav a cuppa.........ya know, built up me

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Jax, I will pour it myself to make you feel better! We would love to have both you and Neener, party isn't the same without y'all.

Gotcha Susan and Judy, glad y'all are here.


(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

aaaaaaaaaaawww! all right! enuff arm twitching! I am in, thank you!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Yay!!!! I'm in! :) Hope my buddy likes to cook 'cause, well, just sayin'...
Joy, I love the idea of sharing an old recipe... Hmmm, now which one...
As far as what I'd like to receive, hmmm, must think about that :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I edited my original post last night, Joy. Will add to it as I think of other 'stuff'.

Come on, Neener. We all know how clever and creative you are.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Count me in. I've been thinking of things since you firt mentioned this. Borrowed is going to be a lot of fun.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I think I will have to pass on this. My cleverness and creativity are being channeled a different direction right now. Be curious to see what you all come up with though, so I'll lurk in the corner. If Jax will share her corner with me. :))

Pacifica, CA

oh we will miss you!

but you still have time to change you mind:)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Joy, what is BBB plants?

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

come on rvnsbrk, ya more than welcome! ya kin help me play!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Neener, you can do this one! Lots of time for thinking about it!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

as for today I want to say yes I will join you in this swap I have so so much going on in JUNE & Its going to very hot to dig plants
so thought I Might join this one Just to have something to look forward to also :)

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

LK, BBB means butterfly, hummingbird and bee flowers.

Glad to see everyone, I have been so busy I have not been on a lot but with the heat becoming intense I am spending more time inside. Not very good for my waistline, but gives me time to come up with crazy ideas!
Let's start bouncing ideas around to help keep us all on the same wavelength. If you have a style or things you love/hate, now is a good time to put them out there. Would hate to send chocolate to someone who couldn't eat it.
I know that most folks summers are not condusive to mailing plants but that still leaves a lot of other things we all like.

What are your ideas on "Borrowed"? I have several nice things from swaps that just don't fit my personality although they were obviously well intentioned. The only things my neighbors give me is grief so bottling that would make me happier but not my buddy.

I am right there with you Michelle, I have tons of recipes handed down or begged off folks, and I do love to cook. I know, maybe a homemade recipe book for a buddy, filled with loving recipes that were given.


Cuyahoga Heights, OH(Zone 5a)

For my borrowed, I think I may borrow some of the hubby's plants when he isn't looking LOL :D

Pacifica, CA

oh look deejay here too hows your dad.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Hey everyone , Ya Know If we Have to BARROW Something from someone Won't that OBLIGATE Us to RETURN WHAT WE BARROWED ??? Just asking :) hehe

LIZ Daddy is ok now once again hegone bonkers on us for awhile & Come to find out he had an URINARY Track Infection or UTI
but after finding the right antibiotic hes doing much better.
Wishing you all a great day

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

well here is a little about me to help whoever ends up with my name...

i live on a half acre in what used to be an old one room schoolhouse, built in 1940. My husband hates it but i love it! when we bought the place, it had one cabinet with a sink in the kitchen and nothing else. it has a bathroom that is walled off as well as one bedroom (with walls). My 7 yr old has the bedroom and we sectioned off part of it with dressers for our bedroom. When we moved here, we were told by the internet provider that we could get service out here, but when i called to transfer it- they said they dont have service out here lol. So now, we have to improvise! Anyway, I have barnwood all over the inside walls of my house from the chalk rail to the 14' ceiling except in the bathroom, where the original slate blackboard still hangs (and gets used).

My husband has been a collector of dvd's and has now switched to blue ray discs, so a movie you love on blue ray might be a good idea for the something blue (but i also love the color blue as well as blue named music).

I am an electronics fanatic. I, personally own 3 computers... yea, was NOT pleased about the internet thing lol

I am in the process of building up my supply of stuff for a nursery- which I would love to start right here at home. I have most of my plants in pots because my ground is hard as a rock and im pretty sure it will stay that way since i don't have a tiller. I can control the mix better if i grow in containers tho. We share a parking lot with the little country church next door, so parking wouldnt be an issue at all.

I drive a pickup truck, a mini van, a compact car and a motorcycle - 2 of which are blue and 3 are old...

Borrowed things tend to forget to come home when I lend them out (made my sister dinner to go for her birthday- that was May 8th and im still waiting on my containers back lol)

I LOVE to cook! My kitchen now takes up half of the schoolhouse (since we did away with that single cabinet)

I have 2 large birds- one is a military macaw and the other is a double yellow headed amazon. Both are big babies

I also have 2 dogs- one is a golden retriever/ great pyranese mix and the other is pit bull/ beagle/boxer mix... again- big babies lol

I have 2 grown sons who are in the military- one is in the army, stationed in Kuwait and the other is in the Marines, stationed at 29 palms california

I have a wacky sense of humor and love silly things

i like chocolate- but not so sure i would like it arriving in a big gooey mass in june lol

I think that's about it... not sure what else to put. If this doesn't give my swapmate ideas, nothing will LOL

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Heck I will give this a try....please whoever my buddy is I hope you are forgiving....rofl.....

Heck this is me in a nut shell:
Live on 3 acres, have full sun, part sun, and full shade, love to garden, forced to work to pay for it
Just built a pergola, no decorations as of yet
I am building a potting bench, no decorations as of yet
Have a garden shed that needs decor on the outside desperately, why too naked
Have small water garden with some water plants and lots of frog decor for the pond
Have 2 raised concrete beds with veggies in them
DH is currently building the Taj MaCoop chicken and duck house, our first chickens (don't ask why cause I don't have a good answer on why we have chickens) no decor on it either
3 dogs, a pound dog wire terrier - named shortie, a dumped dog black lab - named sam, and another dumped dog a black and white basset hound named slick
1 cat black named hairy
Love old rusty metal things, have wanted to put old water cans on a shelf above the door of the Garden room, ones in bad shape are really good...rofl..adds character
Collect flower frogs, and almost any garden decor
No wind chimes please, it is always windy on the hill and they are just torn to pieces and it is sad.... ;(
This should be alot of fun.....

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
For the something borrowed, think of it in this case as a gift you're borrowing from elsewhere to give in this swap :) Perhaps someone gave you something that's a really nice gift, but for whatever reason, you need to "re-gift" it to a good home.
Oh, that's what BBB plants are. Thanks for clarifying :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

OK, I will try to list my likes also...

First of all I love anything blue, especially angels with blue dresses. Trying to collect blue bottles, as I want a bottle tree someday!
All my plants are outside in full Texas, and all of them are in pots or the raised bed, as our caliche clay soil is hard like concrete! I do have a small space in the back yard for shaded plants, but that is filling up fast. I love quirky yard art and decorations!
Chocolates? Yes, I love them all especially dark choccies.
I also have a 30 year old double yellow headed amazon parrot, and Paco can be quite noisy sometimes. Especially when we sit to eat, and don't share out food fast enough! He loves to come out of the cage in the mornings and share my coffee with me! I also love hummingbirds, and hummingbird decorations!

Thumbnail by taters55
Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

Awwww Paco looks like my JuJu!! Mine was abused/neglected before I got him, so he is VERY standoffish to everyone but my 7 yr old daughter. He just LOVES her!!

Thumbnail by susanl61520 Thumbnail by susanl61520
Cuyahoga Heights, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh yay :) Other Bird Lover's! I have a Shamrock Macaw (bigger than the Blue & Gold) named Camelot, but we just call the stinker Cam or Cam-Cam, a Goffin's Cockatoo named Meeko (yes, after the raccoon in Pochantas), 2 Cockatiels named Sol and Harley. Sol is the only bird that is not a rescue, as she was bought from a breeder. Every other one is a rescue, and we are currently trying to finalize the adoption for a Mollucan Cockatoo.

We also have a husky/wolf mix named Toki, we got after the passing of my baby, a 150lb female rottie. My husband just showed up with him and said here you go, 3 weeks after we had to put her down because of Lymphoma. And 3 cats named Ellie, Sara, and Jester. (I will try to post some pictures of the birds later tonight)

I raise tropical plants indoors in Ohio during the winter and I do outdoor gardening as well. Tropical Hibiscus is my absolute favorite flower :) I am quite proud of mine! It is just me and my husband here, no kids, maybe after I finish my bachelor's degree. Yes, I work full time and go to school full time as well. Its difficult but it will be so worth it. I already have my Associate's Degree in Human Resource Management, and I am working on a bachelors degree in International Business, with a minor in Asian Studies. Thankfully due to my IPad and IPhone, I am able to check up on my threads ;) I am an Apple fanatic LOL. So if you have old articles lying around about Apple or Steve Jobs, there's my something old lol.

I also have a nice sized cactus collection, I love every one of them ;)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Bless you for rescuing the birds, and other animals! So many are abused and neglected.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Count me in please Joy. My wants list: November 17, 2010

It has been updated. LOL

Did you ever make it to Kansas to get your little girl goat? I'm real disappointed that we were not able to meet up. I'm sure there will be another chance.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

So glad to see you Crit. I ended up making a fly and die type trip. Drove up and back in two days. Two very long (14 hour) days. But she is an absolute cutie and is doing well.

I really miss my Hahn's macaw, which is the smallest macaw there is. He was a rescue as well, we had him for 10 years but lost him earlier this year. I have thought I would like another bird but don't know any rescue folks now. I am a big believer in "it will happen if it is meant to be."


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