Anyone have extra starts to share? Will pay postage;-)

Shell Lake, WI

Looking for ANY flower or bulb or seed that will come back every year. And survive Zone 4. Really into cottage style gardening, so just about anything work. It's a full sun area I'm working on. Would post pictures but ya'll would laugh --after seeing all the beautiful flower beds on here ;-) I do have a shady area but it's under pine trees---Do hosta tolerate this? I will gladly pay postage if anyone can share, either stamps for seeds or Paypal for plants. Thank you for considering ;-)

Fort Dodge, IA

I could send you some 'Walker's Low" clippings. It's easy to start from clippings, takes a lot of abuse & once it's established it gives you the look of lavender but it's much more winter hardy. I'm doing cottage style too and I like the soft romantic feel this plant has. I'm going to the PO tomorrow morning, I could take another box along with me. :)

This message was edited May 23, 2012 1:42 PM

Thumbnail by dcartphoto Thumbnail by dcartphoto
Shell Lake, WI

Very pretty and it would go nice in my bed! I have never had any of this --I love new and different things! Yes I would love some! And will gladly pay the postage ;-) My address is in the address exchange. Or if you need it just holler, and if you want me to pay with paypal I can to. Thank you so much!!!!

Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

I have some pink flowering Spirea seedlings and nice size Missouri Primrose divisions:
Both are fast growing and spread well, great performers year round so I never get tired of them. Spirea will be very inexpensive to mail but Primrose clumps are rather heavy so it would be a good idea to use a med or large flat rate box. Or I could do a smaller box. Dmail me if interested

Oh, and will definitely have some seeds to share

Good luck and happy growing season!

Shell Lake, WI

I would be interested in both--how much do you think it would cost to mail?

Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

Depends on how many you want. I just checked USPS rates: $11.35 for med flat rate box, 15.45 for large. Or maybe it would be cheaper by Priority but I have to weight it first. I could start with 3-4 Primrose clumps and a few Spireas and we'll see how heavy it is.

Shell Lake, WI

if we could get it at no more than $10 I could handle that ;-)

Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

Yeah, those rates keep going up. The good news is if it's under 5 lb the priority box will cost no more than $10. Or less for smaller box.

Shell Lake, WI

Could they be mailed now? Let me know and i can send postage or paypal ;-)

Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

I'll do my best to get it ready by Sat. and will let you know as soon as I figure out the postage. The soil is bone dry and some rain would be soooooooooo nice....

Fort Dodge, IA

Just went to Menards yesterday and they had a bunch of small $1 perennials. They are really small, but the great thing about plants is they grow, right? :) Anyway lots of them we had here are perfect for cottage gardens. Hollyhocks, painted daisy's, coral bells, salvia, blackeyed susans, shasta daisy's.... Just thought I would pass on the info so you could check your store if your interested.

Shell Lake, WI

Oh I need to make a trip to town pretty close to us. $1 --thats my kind of bargain's! I did get some marked down flower bulbs the other day ;-) And went to a plant sale a lady here had at her house and got 2 iris--She said all she knew was one was purple and one yellow, I got a start of each so I guess will see what they look like ;-)

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I have shasta daisy I could get you a start of for postage. Also I plant Dill. The butterflies love it and it's so easy. I also have corkscrew willows that are water rooted and ready for planting. I could send a few of those. Let me know if you're interested.

to start walkers low do you just clip and stick it in water? Or ?


Fort Dodge, IA

Kathy, you cut a stem of it at the base right above the bottom two leaves, it can be a small branch coming off a main one. Peel off the bottom two leaves, dip that end past the pealed leaf area into water then into rooting hormone, then stick into potting soil and keep watered. It should root in about three weeks.

Fort Dodge, IA

Almost forgot, I pick new branches of growth off larger branches that isn't very long and hasn't flowered yet, and I pinch off the very tip where a flower would grow to force the plant to put it's energy into roots and new branches.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks - will give it a shot. It's just to hot and humid to do anything here. It was 91 today and humidity was a million!

Fort Dodge, IA

It was 95 here in Iowa today, where did spring go?

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

It's been hot her too. High 80s low 90s and that's awful, this early. Humidity is awful here. 5 minutes outside and you feel sticky wet.......yuck

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