A few of yesterdays blooms ...

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Absolute Treasure
Americas Most Wanted
Crazy Ivan
Darla Anita
Gaskins Seedling

Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS
Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Girls Gone Wild
Kansas City Kicker
Shake The Mountains
Jolene Nicole

Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS
Beaverton, MI


La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

Nice to see how several of these look in another garden. Yours look great!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Iris, your pics are stunning as usual. CI is a knockout.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Great looking flowers.
I just cant get enough of garden pictures from others, I agree with Don on that. So fun to see how they look in other peoples climate, etc.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Thanks All!
Kimbar, I sure hope the deer stay away!!

Thanks gingerjar! Sometimes, I don't get a chance to get out there when I want to and the color doesn't seem right once the sun is strong, A good example would be Trooper, It's actually a more red color, But, The sun was so strong when I got a chance to take the photo and made the color off .
Mike, It's the first time I got to see CI bloom, And I love that one now!!

gardenglory, The majority that I have does great here, But, There are a few that I believe would do better in a different climate then mine.

This is my garden/patio path where most of the daylilys are, And in the afternoon they get full blazing sun, I do have a few others beds where there are daylilys that get some shade and they seem to do a little better.

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Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh I love it!! Just beautiful!!!

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

How nice to see your setup!!

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Thanks hemlady and gingerjar!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

ACK! Wishlist just got longer and more grass will fly for another bed.

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Like the pics (have to echo liking to see real garden photos instead of taylored hybridizers pics) and the steping stone are a nice touch.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

bigred, Thanks for the LOL this morning, Love the way you wrote that, Too cute!!!!

DitchLily206, Thanks, Definately needed the stepping stones by the beds so when working in the beds, I got something to put my knee on instead of just the mulch which sticks to my pants and also, It makes it look nice.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Iris, all of your blooms are beautiful and your garden is lovely!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

IRIS...my iris wishlist is growing still too so less grass more beds

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

mcash70, Thanks So Much!

bigred, Pretty soon your going to be seeing grass in your dreams! An ugly kinda thing in some cases! LOL!

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

These pics are beautiful! Your gardens look so inviting. I like seeing how people have arranged their daylilies. Do you have black plastic or something under all of them or what? In other words, how do you control your weeds and grass?

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

floweringchild, Thankyou. In the main pathway there is nothing under the mulch, It's just red clay dirt undernieth ( Practicully have to use dynamite to break through the red clay) I do get weeds there, But, Not a lot, And I just pull them out when I see them. The pathways that are between the flower beds I do have weedblock under the mulch. I find that I don't get a lot of weeds in the beds themselves because they are not low to the ground and what I do get is easy to pull out.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I'm running around and round my yard looking for spots to add a couple new beds for daggum daylilies and blasted irises,'cause my wishlists are still growing.You'd think w/ 1 1/2 acres of yard that wouldn't be such a hard task but suitable locations are becoming hard to find.

Love Crazy Ivan(is there a Crazy Peggy on the market?) and Kansas City Kicker.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

bigred, quote: " add a couple new beds for daggum daylilies and blasted irises" ...LOL!!! ~I know that feeling real well!! This is the first year I got to see Crazy ivan bloom ..Love it! You must allready have a ton of flowers in your yard with 1 1/2 acreas, I only got about a third of an acrea here but got tons of plants ( And beds) ... I make a lot of raised beds and step beds because the redclay here is like ROCK, You really do almost need dynamite to get through it!!! Here arre a few posts of some more beds ...

The first photo is looking at the pathway from the other end, Up to the left, You can see there is a whole nother bed, To the right, Going back down the path, Is my vegetable garden.

Photo#2 .. This is the Arbor Step Bed that starts just before the patio in the last photo, I have gardens all the way to the left and going back to the back fenceline, This was taken about a month ago and it has really filled in nicely in the last month, The garden flox got tall and I look forward to them blooming, The flowers last a long time and attracts hummingbirds , Butterflies, Praying Mantis, Birds and bees!

Photo#3 ..This is my Creeping Phlox bed, Looked beautifull when it was in full bloom! It will flower sporatically now, Hopefully I can find a picture of it blooming to show you.

Photo #4 ..Same bed , Except now you can see the vegetable garden behind it and the other garden/flowerbed to the left.

Photo#5 .. This is the bed at the very end of the pathway, This again, Was about a month ago, The lillys have passed and all the yellow sundrops have been blooming now.

I have beds on both sides and the front of the house too, It's a definate addiction!! lol!

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Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

I love your yard!! I wish I could think of ways to change mine. You don't spend a lot on gas for the lawn mower, do you? lol

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

floweringchild, Thanks so much!
There is always a way to change a yard :) .. None of this at all was here when I moved here five years ago, I don't really have an income, We live off one paycheck, So, I do everything the cheapest/ cost effective way I can. In all actuality, Still got plenty of lawn so my dogs pretty happy, But, When I find a good deal on some brick, There's going to be a little less grass here!

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, I love what you've done with your yard Iris. It's really beautiful and looks so inviting. You are really talented. I too love Crazy Ivan. It's going on my wish list. :-)


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

My problems is too many trees on west side of house and accessiblity to water in the lower corner.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Wow, I love your pics, and also the color of that clump of lilies. What is it? My monitor is off-color so I might not be seeing the true color of anything.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Joy, Thanks So much!! It was love at first sight when I seen Crazy Ivan open this year, Very happy with it!

Bigred, I have a major problem with trees on my westside ( My niehbors trees actually) They hang about 20 feet over my fence and they are right up against the fence line ( Actually one tree base is wrapped right into my fence) A problem that is going to be adressed starting next week.
accessability to water is a major undertaking, Could you possibly put a large rainbarrel there? Get some cheap hoses and fill it and leave the cover off when it rains? The barrels hold quite a bit of water and with the bottom handle/spiggot makes it easy for watering your plants ( So I've heard anyway, I have never had one, But, Have thought about it so I could catch rainwater and try and fill up the barrel "Nothing better then rain water" for the plants, House water always has something in it)

caitlinsgarden, Thankyou! I would have to find the tag to tell you the name of the lilies, And for some reason it always seems hard to get a good photo of them because they are very waxy and light tends to reflect of them, But, They are a deep red in color.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

after last year's record breaking heat and drought my hub's requested I only water what's up front and close to house so I want wear out pump on well and I have to agree with him.....so all the beds close to the house are packed.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

As I look out my window here, even the big azeala bushes that are part of the hardscape, are wilted. Its bad.

It looks like we are going to be blessed with some rain from the little tropical depression. Im praying to will actually happens. No signs of it yet.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

bigred, I didn't realize you had a well and I agree and totally understand about being careful with the pump, We had a well too at the last placed we lived, But, We also had a springfed pond on our land which I pumped water from so it really helped in my situation.
At least you got spots you can reach that you can put a lot of plants in.

gardenglory, Sorry to hear it so bad in drought where you are, It's bad here too but not as bad as your area and many other areas, I sure wish it would rain more, I feel this global warming is going to prevent that from happening and I worry a lot about it sometimes.

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