Kentucky Coffee Trees

Saint Paul, MN

I just realized this year that the blossoms of my Kentucky Coffee Trees have a delicious lemony fragrance. I guess they are usually too high up to notice because until I stuck my nose in them I had no idea.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd actually attempted to grow a coffee tree previously - b/c I'd been told what a great scent they have - sadly mine didn't make you have pics of blooms?

Saint Paul, MN

I didn't take an photos.
Here is a picture from the web:

They are not really that much to look at, but they do smell fine.

Don't give up if you have the room. I started my trees by just planting the 5 seeds I purloined from the Minnesota Arboretum and they are about 20 feet tall now. Trees grow faster than you would think when they are young.

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