What houseplants cheer you up?

Agawam, MA

1. My Christmas cactus that seems to bloom on and off all year (except at Christmas).
2. The string of pearls that roots just by laying cut-off strands on top of moist soil.
3. AV's that bloom the more they are neglected.
4. The nickname that my kids have given the Burro's Tail, Mr. Dreadlocks


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I am very fond of wondering jew. I just like the way it looks and I have a large pot of it with several kinds that I am working on. When it feels in I think it will be lovely. I like ivy and variegated pothos also. I don't usually kill these. I have a large cactus that I have had for years and I like it very much. I am sure there are others.

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

my bromeliads always cheer me up....when i least expect it, i go to check on them, and there it is.....A BABY....a baby makes everyone feel good..lol...so when ever i see new pups on my broms it just makes my day:)


Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Two of my plants make me feel great anytime. One is a weeping fig and the other is some kind of aloe (I thought, but some one told me it is a century plant. :) )
I have had them for a long time and they just keep on going.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I think those tropical pink polka dot plants are neat. I don't know their name off-hand! :o)

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

GW.... hypoestes . :)

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, I do love my polka dot, and it blooms in the greenn porch all winter. It also drops the seed I never see, so I have new ones in the spring. They look great in a semi-shade or light sun area. One of my books says there are now over 150 varieties. I also have a little wild primrose my sister gave me, and it surprises me year round with blooms, and some of my kalanchoe have bloomed after sitting in a room with no care or attention at all, the room being closed off,for 6 months. But my little cylindrica, well, it's big now, has a most inconspicuous bloom spike that has a delightful spicy fragrance up close. I guess most of them cheer me these days, as if they patiently waited for me to return.

Ada, OK(Zone 7a)

i really like my cactus, but my hubby says i keep them to torture him because he is always getting stuck. he claims they jump out to get him on purpose.

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