
Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

My strawberries are short and studed but the plants seem ok.
I have been told this is a boron deficiency. Does anyone know how to
correct it. Yes they are in containers.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

What are you fertilizing with, Annie? There is a fine line between deficiency and toxicity when it comes to boron (B). In most cases, there is an adequate supply in your fertilizer. I think you'd be much better off if you simply focused on an adequate nutritional supplementation program and let the B take care of itself. You're far more likely to create problems when fertilizing to supply one or two elements than you are to cure an ill. It's far more likely your stunting is related to a cultural issue other than B. I wouldn't even consider acting on some one's advice to add B to my plantings unless the person was a bonafide expert in strawberries and soils. My advice would be to open a dialog and explore other possibilities, like over-watering, soil compaction, inadequate o/a nutrition, a high level of solubles in the soil, inadequate light ......


Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

I can,t find micronutrient powder like uor formula . I think spray
& grow has micros in it, Someone gave me soom and then I ordered it
but have not tried it on the strawberries. I will try s&g and see what happens.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

You should have good luck with Miracle-Gro 24-8-16 granular/soluble or 12-4-8 liquid. Even better would be Foliage-Pro 9-3-6 if you can get it, which has ALL the essential nutrients plants normally get from the soil, including Ca & Mg, nutrients most other soluble fertilizers lack.

Best luck


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