Antirrhinum braun-blanquitii

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I WS this plant. I am wondering if anyone knows what kind of root system it has. Since it tolerates drought, I was wondering if it has a tap root.

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

This is a snapdragon, right? What do you mean by WS? If it is a snap, they live about 2-3 years for me. And what kind of snap? Luciee{;^)

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Luciee. Yes, this is a Perennial snapdragon. I will show you a picture of it. I assume it has a fibrous root system. However, it is xeriscape plant so thought "maybe" it has a tap root like poppies, and Penstemon.

If this doesn't show up. Go to White Flower Farm website and put in the search box: Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Thank you, birder. This is a very pretty plant. I have loved snaps since I was a child. I will have to find seeds of this kind, as they seem to be expensive. Luciee {;^)

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I got one last spring that grew very well, but there is no sign of it so far this year. I had it in a rocky but fertile area that gets mid-morning to mid-afternoon sun. It should have loved it.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Pfg & Luciee:
This is my first year for them, as I grew them from seed. Pfg, I am assuming as you probably are, the wet winter killed your snap.
All three of us live in the "wrong" climate for this plant - even so- I still wanted to try it. It's such a pretty color of yellow, and the fact that it is perennial AND I love snapdragons made it irresistible to try it. It must have good drainage. I intend to put mine on a slope. I have put some peat in the soil, so I am hoping they will make it. They just have to have the water run off of their roots fairly quickly.
Right now, they are in cell packs and about 3 inches tall looking very healthy. I intend to pot them up and nurse them through the summer and plant in the fall. (that may be the last I see of them!). My hot, humid and no rain climate makes it difficult for new perennial seedlings to make it through the summer. I find it better for me to plant in the fall. Once perennials get established, they usually do very well here.

IF they make it through my summer and I have extras, would either of you like one?

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Sure! Also, I saw that you lost the plumbago. Would you like some more? I have plenty of it.


Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Pam, I bought a pot of plumbag this spring. I haven't planted it in the garden yet, but hope to soon. I have had so much to do lately. I thought from that pot, I could use cuttings to get more plants. Are you the one that sent me oriental poppy roots last year?
So, no thank you to the offer of plumbago, but you are kind to offer.
Could you tell me of a way to keep track of sending plants to people? I have read where some people use some "tool" on this website. I need to keep track of you, so when the snap. is ready, I will be able to contact and send it to you.

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

birder, from where did you get your seed? Snaps are to be planted in late summer here for bloom next spring. Thanks, Luciee {;^)

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I bought them from Diane's Seeds:
They sprouted very, very well and are growing like gangbusters.
I WS them.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Birder, there's a trade tracker on DG somewhere, but I've never used it. Maybe someone else here can lead you to it.

I have a garden folder in MS Office where I've been collecting all my plant data. I keep track of orders, trades, seed-starting info, both spreadsheets and journals, cultivation details for plants in the garden, etc, etc, etc. I have it stored in the cloud in Box so I can access it from my iPad. I use it all the time, especially when I wake up in the night for an hour or two.

Last year I sent you the plumbago, Digitalis Grandiflora and Agastache. You sent me a huge Phlox David's Lavender, among other things, which I love and is doing very well. Thanks again!


Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Thanks, birder.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Pam, Yes! I have these. If you have any extra Agastaches, I would love to have a couple. If not, that is fine also. I can probably grow them from seed. I love the Agastaches. You are a good "trader".

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