Sick loquat tree

Austin, TX

I have a large loquat tree that is over 30 years old. Parts of the tree appear to be dying. The fruit this year was prolific but very small. New small leaves and fruit on thin branches are dying. There is a bright white fungus or mold that looks like paint on the strongest part of the main trunk, maybe 4' up. This appeared quite suddenly. I live in Texas, and we had a record drought last year and lots of rain in the last month or so.

Can anyone help me identify this problem?

Thank you for your time and attention.

Katie Webster, Austin, TX

Russell, KY(Zone 6b)

A picture is worth 1000 words :)

Austin, TX

Thanks for your advice. I've decided to have an arborist come evaluate the tree, as I think it's fading fast.

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