What is eating my Sensitive Fern

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Nothing else in the flower bed is bothered except for these ferns. Every one in a big flower bed is destroyed. Most only have the stem left, all green is gone. This is the last of the plants with any green. I have only seen one bug on them and this is a BAD picture of it.

Thumbnail by picabo Thumbnail by picabo
Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Three more pictures that I thought might help. The last is an Astilbe that is growing in with the ferns. Not a spot on it.

Thumbnail by picabo Thumbnail by picabo Thumbnail by picabo
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i'd venture to say that you have either an army worm or a caterpillar or a budworm on there somewhere. i had one a plant that was being eaten but couldn't find a thing. i went out at night with a flashlight and there it was...one lone green worm/cat chomping away. i grabbed it with a tongs and smashed it and haven't had a problem since.

if you can't find anything at night, i would suggest a spray of Bt or something with Spinosad in it....both are organic and will kill the culprit if it's a cat of some kind. if it's a worm, you have to use the Spinosad.

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thank you, I'll check it out tonight!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

report back! lol

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