Replanted aucuba wilting/dying

Vienna, VA

I dug up an aucuba and replanted it under a pine tree. Dug a large hole for it, and there seemed to be enough roots. The next day it started to wilt badly. The leaves just droop. I have watered it and it has rained considerably, but 2 weeks later it is still alive but still wilting. Any ideas?

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

It sounds like transplant shock and possible root damage.. Did you water the plant well before moving? Did you prune it back before moving? You could use some root stimulator or one of the products made for use on transplanted shrubs. You may want to prune it back to reduce some of the stress on the plant while it is producing new roots.

Vienna, VA

Thanks, good suggestion. I will follow up on that.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good luck to you. I hope it recovers quickly.

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