Are your Daylilies Blooming Early this Year?

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Usually, I don't get any blooms until about the end of May or first of June. But this year, many of my daylilies started blooming the first week of May. I have a garden full of daylily blooms now. It's amazing!! They're everywhere! And all the rain has really made them grow too. They all look so healthy!!

We had a rather mild winter, thankfully. Our last three winters have been attrocious so I was happy to have not much of a winter this time. And my plants all appreciated the mild winter and rainy spring. Unfortunately, the weeds appreciated it all the most!

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

I have several that are blooming now. They are way early.
Ming toy usually blooms first. It was about the fourth to bloom this year. Others I have blooming are a month ahead of usual. Many of the ones blooming never bloom til mid- june and now they began as early as May 9.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I don't have any actually blooming yet but I have some that are close. Scapes are every where. Better than a month ahead at least for here. My bloom time is usually at the end of June thru July.

Saratoga, CA(Zone 9b)

The few things that are blooming here mostly seem to be about 2 weeks ahead of schedule, except for WHITE STRIPE which is at least 5 weeks ahead of its normal bloom time. (This is the SF Bay Area in CA.)

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

The daylilies here seem to be about two weeks or a little more early this year.

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Yes, mine are about 2-3 weeks earlier than last year. I have also noticed that many scapes seem to be shorter and a lot of the blooms are not opening as well. Anyone else notice that? Wondering if they are related to the earlier bloom.

I actually had a few bloom April 30th (Belle Isle Sentry, Ming Toy, Siloam Double Classic and Tigerland.)

Vernal Tutone and Winged Migration were a few that were open May 4th.

last year FFO for all those were:

BIS 5/14
Ming Toys 5/22
SDC 5/25
Tigerland 5/21

VT 5/16
WM 5/25

This message was edited May 17, 2012 10:02 AM

Conroe, TX

Mine are 2-3 weeks earlier than last year, probably because they actually got rain this year.
I live near Conroe, Tx, and last year produced very few blooms, and some were even deformed due to
the drought.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I have a Middendorfii blooming but that one is always the first to bloom.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I kind of like getting to see my daylilies bloom early. When they usually start here, it's nearly 100 degrees--way too hot to really enjoy them. I've always said they should bloom earlier, when it's warm, not hot, so I could have a garden party and have lots of friends over to enjoy the show. Most of my friends are not gardeners so they won't venture out in the heat. I love the surprises that mild winters bring!

Beaverton, MI

I have nothing blooming and no scapes yet.

Beaverton, MI

I lied found some scapes today hope its a pretty one. BFG

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