Have: Siberian iris to give away (had to be divided-no room)

Princeton, TX

I have lots of Siberian Iris that I dug up and you are welcome to have it. The only thing is - i am unable to pay for everyone's postage, so if you're local - we can arrange for you to stop by and pick it up. If you are not local - you are welcome to send me a shipping label to use to ship the plants.

I had to divide it as it got too comfortable in my garden - to accommodate it I'll have to create a new flowerbed and right now I'd rather give it away :). I bought a few rhizomes a few years ago and planted one in virtually in every flowerbed and it just loved it and went wild. It's a very hardy plant - it stays evergreen here in Texas zone 8b. Blooms in spring - it just finished blooming. Take transplanting very easily and recovers from it very quickly. it's a great plant to grow in virtually any soil - I have it in flowerbeds with rich soil and in areas with clay - it's thriving either way.

If you'd like to give away something in return - I'll happily take it (unless I already have it :)).

Photos are of the actual plant in my garden blooming last spring.

P.S. If this is not a Siberian iris - you're welcome to correct me. I think it is but not entirely sure.

Thumbnail by amarille Thumbnail by amarille
Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi amarille,

Is the iris really that dark of a color? If they are, I would like to trade you. LMK and I'll tell you what I have to trade. Thanks.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

dmailing you

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Looks like Black Gamecock Louisiana Iris. And yes, they are that dark.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Defintely looks like Louisiana Iris. And they do take up a lot of room.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Yes, I purchased one and in 4 years have 50. I separated them last year and passed them around. They like water.. I have them in a 42' x 32" pot. That way I can keep them wetter than the rest of the landscape.

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

I would like some of these, If you dmail me your address, I will send whatever you need to ship them to me. This will be my first time so please also tell me what you need me to send so you don't have to pay for any shipping. Iris is my favorite flower and since we bought this house a year ago, I dont have any yet!

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I would like some also. I will dmail you.


Princeton, TX

Thank you guys for helping me identify them! Yes they do bloom this pretty dark colour and they do multiply fast. I have them even in my little water garden and they bloomed there and doing just fine.

I do have a lot of them - plenty to pass around, then come back and pass around again hehe :).

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

OK, I would like to try these. LMK what you are looking for...
I have extra plants to trade like cannas (these will multipy, too), red lycoris, crinum, and other sun loving plants.


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