Dionaea muscipula "King Henry"

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Not sure if this one is "named " at the ICPS but it needs to be.
All around impressive from all the clones I received this Spring.

KH is a monster !

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

After a couple of weeks.
Very impressed with this (small ) plant.

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

What my B52 lacks in vigor compared to KH it makes up for it in stealth . It caught a huge wasp all by itself that I'm sure will give it indigestion and kill the leaf : (

This message was edited May 30, 2012 9:01 PM

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

Your VFT's are all looking great!

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

I've got it bad with VFT's and doing seed. Raised African violets from seed to bloom. VFT seedlings are much more cute !

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

I am most partial to pings or more specifically mex pings.

Arlington, TX

Sar. are the bomb! Tall, colorful, exciting. Oh heck I love them all!

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

So I guess you two had had bad luck with VFT seeds ? ; )

Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

Nope! I have a baby flytrap from a pulled leave as well as several of my own harvested seeds chillin in the fridge. I just am not all excited about flytraps in general but I do plan on building up a nice pot of them. Butterworts are my fav followed by Drosera, Sarracenia, Utricularia.

Arlington, TX

I am only interested in CP's I can grow outside. They just look so much better overall. I know there is at least one and possibly two pings that are native to TX, do you know which they are?

Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

P. pumila Is the only native one I know of.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

I think there is one more have to pull out The Savage Garden and look it's a mini if I remember right.

Arlington, TX

I have been trying to find for D. brevafolia and capillaris for a while, some sites have one or the other but not both. I also thought D. intermedia might be native to a few parts of TX but not sure. I think there are two speice of pings that are natives but cannot remember the second.

Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

I've got D. brevafolia and capillaries seeds planted and have 8 intermedia plants. Butterworts being my fav but I only have 2. I myself am not real concerned with where they originate so long as they can take our summers and occasional cold winters. That said I still grow my Pinguicula indoors as well as a few Drosera just for banana nat control and the fly that always enters.

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