CLOSED: 2nd annual DG Mug Swap

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

Tammy i thought i was being nice by including the low fat/ lower sugar versions! lol

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My goodness you all have been a chatty bunch since I have been MIA doing the yard and flower beds from sunup to sundown and sometimes after with the help of a bright light that DH has. lol

Folgers Black Silk is da bomb!!!!! I have to mix a little decaf in it for medical reasons so I don't get too much caffine, but it is my favorite. I don't do flavored coffee's because I like the creaminess of half and half or flavored creamers. Can't wait to see my mug for this year!

Will have to go back and read all the new posts. Welcome New Susan. You'll fit right in here!

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Crit :)

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

omg! took me fav cup outside yesterday for a relaxing sit-me-down. somehow i stumbled, and ta keep from falling..... dropped me cup of baileys's. it cracked, and all me loverly drink was on the concrete! i immediately went down on the ground too(forgit bout bad back) (beleive i nearly blacked out from the trauma of seeing me baileys rolling across the ground). but, i was trying ta scoop up that bootiful liquid gold............and, and.........yes! i admit it! i was going ta drink it!!!! me dtr. tried pulling me up, but i was resistant to leave me exirir jist laying there.............unwanted, unloved while seeping in the ground! her thought i was physically hurt! an i heart was broken! an now, tis back is talking, i'm crying over me loss, an me's thirsty! an i need a new fav mug!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Jax, sorry you dropped your favorite cup, but you need to take care of that back too! The liquid gold is replaceable!

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

Jax sorry to hear of the cup and coffee abuse. Hope you are OK.
My husband got my favorite mug out of the cupboard and ate cereal out of it, That is heresy!
My daughter just looked at him and said "What are you doing!" I just looked at him...

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh my gawd. I am so sorry Jax. But I laughed out loud at the image of you on the ground slurping your elixir and your daughter trying to pull you off of it.


Ladies you do bring me joy.

Kerrie - I laughed at you too. :)

Have a great day! I'm using heart shaped smiley faces today so it must be a good one!


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday Carey! Hope you have a great day!

Thumbnail by taters55
(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

...................irreplaceable thar, LK, irreplaceable!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I be back on this continent finally. OY! Glad to be here is all I can say. Think I need another nap. Jet lag is a real bugger. :0)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Welcome back Neener! :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad your back with us Neener! Hope you had a good trip!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Glad you're home, Neener. It just ain't the same around here without you.

LOL Jax, your tale cracked me. Baileys and cups can be replaced but not your back. Take it easy.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
Glad you're home, Neener. It just ain't the same around here without you.

LOL Jax, your tale cracked me. Baileys and cups can be replaced but not your back. Take it easy.

Amen to that

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Gee it's nice to be missed. :0) I'm gald to be back in the land of the living. Nice night's sleep last night and I think I may be almost normal. Or as normal as I get. Shut up Amanda....:P

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

(sitting here minding my business!!!)

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

LOL.....too funny!

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

I gave up trying to be normal so long ago, Im not even sure I know what "normal" is anymore!

On a bonus note, i have some plugs coming today that i ordered from !! I am soooo excited!! I ordered two trays of 105 plugs each... Im getting a houseplant collection that has 7 different kinds of plants in it and a super foliage tray with 7 different kinds of outdoor foliage plants in it!! I keep watching my the front of my house for them to arrive!!!

Btw, should I post my address someplace for this (and other) exchanges? I dont quite know my way around, yet :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, go to the home page, and click on the extra tab at the top, then click on DG address exchange, then click where it says... Click here to edit your listing. Add your info, then we can find your address.

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

Done!! I am officially a part of the swaps now :)

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Susan I used to order from NC Farms all the time when I was in business. Their stuff is usually pretty good and a good price.

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

yea, i got several plugs of 14 varieties for only $160 ish including shipping... once they grow a bit more, i should be able to pull in some good money from them... what i love about plants is that i can take one or 2 and turn it into thousands

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

I think I may have found just the right mug for my partner...

Thumbnail by susanl61520
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

HOW ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!

The address exchange is easy to find.

That is how I always direct peeps to it.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

omg! now that's the kinda cup i's want! aint he precious!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

awwwww.....a teacup pup in a cup. Did ya'll see the mug has a froggie on it?

A lot of annuals in my hanging baskets and also planted in containers last year came from NC Farms. I distinctly remember having a fun dividing party and missed it this year :(

Jax, you twisted my arm and I picked up Bailey's creamers today at the grocery store on sale 3 fer $5. I'll letcha know which one I try first thing in the morning. I've been using Nestle's Hazelnut fat free creamer for years, hope these are just as good.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Froots you are going to love those Bailey's creamers. My Mom turned us on to them. She gets creamer for me when i visit even though she doesn't use it and then sends it home with me. She is such a bad influence. :0)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I use to use the Hazelnut, then switched to the vanilla caramel. I don't even care for the hazelnut anymore. ^_^

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

Enablers all of you. =P

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Crit, I was the same way.. don't understand why we burn out on the hazelnut. My mother adds hazelnut flavor to her 2 liter bottles of diet pepsi... you can't imagine the shock when I have poured a glass expecting pepsi and tasted pepsi/hazelnut... yuck!

These mugs we trade are going to be so much fun weather they are funny, silly, pretty or just plain strange. They will all be associated with stories from garden friends.

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm thinking maybe the mug I send could have a plant in it :)

I also have access to a website where I can upload an image and put it on a mug... then have it shipped directly to the recipient... I am thinking of going that direction, too... but then it wouldnt have a plant in it... maybe on it instead?

idk, just throwing some ideas out there!

whoever's name i get may get a mug with a pic of me mooning them on it... lol

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

LOL ... you 'crack' me up! The plant idea is great. I am having a difficult time keeping much of anything alive the past couple of years. This drought has been so difficult on everything.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

......since i dont have a cup...........kin ya pour some in me hand?????????

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Ya'll can have the Bailey's creamer I tried this morning. Fat free original flavor is way to sweet for my tastes. Maybe the French Vanilla and Toffee Almond won't be.

Do any of you remember the very first cup of coffee you ever drank? Back in the day, there weren't a lot of choices and my Mom brewed a pot of Maxwell House when she had time to relax, which wasn't very often. Mostly she reached for the jar of Taster's Choice instant 'granuals' and finally gave in to my begging for a cup of Maxwell House when I was 10. It was out secret until my teenage years and have been a coffee fanatic ever since, just not for Maxwell House or any instant

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Froot - my old babysitter "Nana" loved her coffee crystals and drank morning noon and night after the tv went off. I got old enough to make her her coffee, but I don't remember drinking it actually as a practice until I was in college.

I had a pretty wide array of friends and a Columbian kid used to make this syrupy brew in one of those percolators on the stove burner. They watched with fascination as I just drank the stuff straight - I would say - "I'm drinking this crap to keep me up all night. No sense trying to dress it up." They would watch me bounce off the walls for HOURS. Good GOD that was powerful stuff.

Got to law school and mammy bought me my first thermos. I loved that thing. It kept me and my lab partner awake thru Tax I and Tax II. Miss my thermos.

Thanks for the memories.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Now, Manda, I just can't imagine you bouncing off the "Just saying!" Good memories for sure, girlie.

I still have my Dad's old Aladdin thermos he toted to work, now safely stowed in one of my lower kitchen cabinets and is a reminder of him when I drag out the crock pot or need my coffee bean grinder. That man never was a coffee drinker but he could have filled an ocean with all the sweet brewed Lipton ice tea he drank during his lifetime. You know it's called ice tea in the South, not iced tea, and unless you request unsweetened tea, you can bet your boopie it's gonna be sweet syrup.

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

Im sure this exchange is gonna be fun... as for the plant idea, i would not send anything for outside, it would be a houseplant... the weather of late is just too volatile!

I have ideas aplenty... sweet tea recipe... my favorite coffee... some chocolate covered coffee beans... a choc covered sipping spoon to stir into your favorite brew... a custom made mug... and moonpies :)

im not sure if the person who's name i get is gonna laugh hard or say what? when they open my box lol

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

You gals are a hoot. Gave me a giggle this morning.

Don't really remember my first coffee. Mom would give me sips of hers with creamer in it.

I do remember however, when I took my son, age 5, to a doctor because of his hyper-activity. He just bounced off the walls. Dr. said to give him all the coffee or tea that he wanted, because the caffine worked the opposite on hyper active children. I asked him "won't the coffee stunt his growth?" (I had always heard that) He said no, it was an old wives tale. Well, it worked! And if it did stunt his growth, I'm glad! He is 6' 7" . lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Most meds work the opposite on hyper kids. My Grandson is very hyper, and the Dr. Gave him meds to suppress him, and it made him worse. So finally a new Dr, gave him meds to make him hyper, and it slowed him down. And you can forget cough syrups at bedtime when he is sick, they wind him up and he is dancing the night away!

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

hey quick note- are any of you in the vegas area?

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