What's cutting down my seedlings in my greenhouse?

Everton, AR

Help please! Something is digging down beside my seedlings, peppers and hollyhocks, and cutting them off. There are no worms or insects in the soil. Whatever is doing this just leaves the plants laying on the soil in the flats.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Are they on the ground, shelves or what?

Everton, AR

They are on a shelf.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Interesting I was going to say if they were near the ground that it may have been pill bugs/ rolly pollies. Once I had a problem with seedlings I had on the ground and they kept eating them up. Then I moved them to a shelf and it stopped.

I'd be interested in what anyone else has to say. You may think about spraying them with something.

Everton, AR

I did spray them and they were alright for a couple days. Then whatever it was came back and finished off all but 3 of a flat of pepper seedlings. I have moved everything to the rail of my covered porch and have seen no more problems. I have no idea what was doing this.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Weird, I wish you the best.

Everton, AR

Thanks Dean!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)


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