Three Sisters Garden Seeds

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Wunne Wunnonkou Nishnoh (Good Evening Everyone),

I have some Three Sisters Garden seed packs available. You could call them the Native American version of a Victory Garden. I have two sizes available, small and large. Please let me know if you are interested.

Three Sisters Small Packs: contain the following:
#1 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum', Anasazi Bean, 'Mini Orange' Hubbard Squash 3 pks

#2 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum', Anasazi Bean, Butternut Squash 2 pks

#4 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum', Anasazi Bean, Hubbard Squash 'Mini Orange' 1 pk

#5 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum', Great Northern Bean, Winter Squash 'Red Kuri' 1 pk

#6 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum', Great Northern Bean, Summer Squash 'Saffron' 2 pks

#7 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum', Great Northern Bean, Summer Squash 'Yellow Crookneck' 4 pks

Three Sisters Large Packs include: approx. 1 oz. each of 'Wampum' Mini Corn and Great Northern bean, plus 7 grams of 'Mini Orange' or 6 grams 'Baby Blue' Hubbard Squash. Pack #3 has 12 seeds each of 'Mini Orange' Hubbard and Butternut Squash.

Three Sisters Large Pack #1 contain the following:
Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum', Great Northern Bean, 'Mini Orange' Hubbard Squash 1 pk

Three Sisters Large Pack #2 contain the following:
Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum', Great Northern Bean, 'Baby Blue' Hubbard Squash 1 pk

Three Sisters Large Pack #3 contain the following:
Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum', Great Northern Bean, 'Mini Orange' Hubbard Squash, Butternut Squash 1 pk

THREE SISTERS ROW GARDEN: Mound soil 12-inches high by 18-inches wide and spacing mounds 3 to 4-feet apart.
Week # 1: Soak corn kernels overnight. sow 5 kernels 6-inches apart in center of mound in a cross shape; you will eventually thin them to 4 plants.
Week # 2: When corn is 4-inches high; soak overnight bean seeds and then plant 6 pole beans in a circle 6-inches away from corn. You will eventually thin them to 4 plants.
Week #3: Plant 4 squash or pumpkin seeds next to the mounds, about 1-foot away from the beans. You will eventually be thinning them to 1 plant.

GARDEN MAINTENANCE: When the corn is knee-high and again when silks appear on the husks, "side-dress" by putting a high nitrogen fertilizer (such as aged manure or fish emulsion) on the soil surface near each plant. If beans aren't winding their way around the corn, you can help by moving tendrils to the stalks. To allow room for corn and beans to grow, gently direct squash vines into walkways, garden edges, or between mounds. Once you observe young fruits, side-dress the squash plants with aged manure or compost. If you pinch off the tips of squash runners after several fruits have started to form, the plants will devote more energy to producing squash.

THREE SISTERS CONTAINER GARDEN: Using a 14 to 18-inch pot or half barrel, layer gravel on the bottom for drainage and potting soil on top.
Week #1: Soak corn kernels overnight. Sow 3 kernels in the center of the pot, in a triangle shape; you will eventually thin them to 1 plant.
Week #2: When the corn is 4-inches high; soak the bean seeds overnight and then plant 3 pole beans, 4-inches away, around the corn. You will eventually thin them to 2 plants.
Week #3: Plant 2 squash or pumpkin seeds 1-inch from the edge and about 2-inches away from the beans. You will eventually be thinning them to 1 plant.

GARDEN MAINTENANCE: When the corn is knee-high and again when silks appear on the husks, "side-dress" by putting a high nitrogen fertilizer (such as aged manure or fish emulsion) on the soil surface near each plant. If beans aren't winding their way around the corn, you can help by moving tendrils to the stalks. To allow room for corn and beans to grow, gently direct squash vines into walkways, garden edges, or between pots. Once you observe young fruits, side-dress again with aged manure or compost. If you pinch off the tips of squash runners after several fruits have started to form, the plants will devote more energy to producing squash.

EATING HARVEST: The corn is ready to harvest, when the kernels are full and "milky", which is indicated by the silks becoming dry and brown. Corn, generally is ready to eat 18-24 days after ear silks first show.
SEED HARVEST: The corn is ready to harvest, when the husks begin to dry. Bring them in under cover to complete the drying process.

POLE BEANS LIKES: Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Corn, Cucumber, Radish, Strawberry, Summer Savory
POLE BEAN DISLIKES: Fennel, Chive, Garlic, Gladiolus, Onion

CORN LIKES: Bean, Cucumber, Melons, Pea, Potato, Pumpkin, Squash, Sunflower
CORN DISLIKES: Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant any plant in the Solanum Family.

SQUASH LIKES: Bean, Corn, Datura

Aqučne kah nahonnushagk (Peace and farewell),
WautuckquesSochepo (SnowRabbit)
Ahque Wunantash: Paskoogan / Pio nabo nequt / Nees muttanonganog kah nequt (Do Not Thou Forget: 9/11/2001)

This message was edited May 14, 2012 4:55 PM

Winnemucca, NV(Zone 5b)

Can't seem to access d-mail, would like large pack #2 if still available. Please send info by regular e-mail .

Thanks, liz

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Liz,

I tried emailing and Dmailing you, but have not received any replies. Are you still interested in the seeds?

Aqučne kah nahonnushagk (Peace and farewell),
WautuckquesSochepo (SnowRabbit)
Ahque Wunantash: Paskoogan / Pio nabo nequt / Nees muttanonganog kah nequt (Do Not Thou Forget: 9/11/2001)

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