Looking for Hostas for postage please

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi fellow gardeners. Im looking for hostas for postage. Any kind at all. Any size...

Royal Oak, MI(Zone 6a)

Theresa, will you be attending the plant swap on May 20th? I have 3 very large Hosta 'Undulata Erromena' that will need new homes. They're already too large to mail, but I can bring them to the swap for you! Just let me know.

Here's a pic of them from last year.

Thumbnail by Eleven
Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

yes, I am the host of the swap :) So I will definately be there. I would LOVE the hostas. Im hoping to get some of your primula veris and goatsbeard too. I'll have to watch for them.
From your list I can offer you:
short daylilies
white baneberry
ice ballet milkweed....I will have to look for this one.
clustered bellflower
tiny buttons sedum-i really like this compact sedum!

will this work for you? Thank you too for offering me the hostas. This will be a great addition to my yard!

Royal Oak, MI(Zone 6a)

Sounds great to me! See you there =)

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