CLOSED: ☼ 5th Annual RED, WHITE and BLUE SWAP ☼

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

I unpacked the boxes and am so very pleased. they are just what I wanted and so green and lush, like they were just dug from the garden. Guess it helps when they are growing and healthy rather than very early in spring. Thanks for very much to Diamond and Alikat.

Oh, and very clearly labeled which helps a bunch. Need to take lessons on that myself. ;)

This message was edited May 17, 2012 3:15 PM

Thumbnail by Oberon46 Thumbnail by Oberon46
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Mary, I believe you posted these in th wrong thread?

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

I just went to the swap and couldn't find them. I must be tired. I will post a new picture now that they are all potted up. And I got my RWB swap today so I am all ready for that.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Mornimg..was out spbrowsing yesterday, drats it's not easy trying to find USA r/w/b. here in my Canadian colors are in every store..guess I will have to either fet creative or shuffle off to Buffalo one Saturday.

Working from home today which compiles of answering telephone maybe 10 times so can't reall call it went on a hunt for garden seeds which I've put away but no can find Lol but in every corner I'm finding something in red/white and blue from previous swaps..back deck has some beauties sitting out..will make me proud to set them out T the Sistah's gathering..getting soo excited

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Betty, you must be the only sistah that's paid not to work or hardly working!! Lucky you.
I'm sure your guests will ooh and aahhed over your collection of Americana, but your garden will be the main attraction.

Alrighty compatriots, please come over to the new room.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sorry have not been around for a while. Been too busy in the yard and gardens! I got my name for this swap and am just as tickled as I can be! ^_^

We too fly our flag year round. That spot just does not "Look right" without it there!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Patti, we know when it's that time of the year to tend to the garden, folks will be disappearing.
As long as you acknowledged knowing whom you're sending to.. you're fine.
We have a new room now.

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