Imagine My Disappointment!

Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

hey guys,
i know you all are daylily nuts like i am. so, you have "want" lists that never seem to end! lol well, Zahadoom has been high on my list since i first saw it. last year i saw it on the Lily Auction and paid a pretty penny for it. i also ordered a number of other dls from the same seller. i was so excited to see my division of zahadoom growing so well and turning into a small clump! then it had at least 5 scapes this year!! the excitement grew as the buds got bigger and bigger. that is, until today when it bloomed a big, bright orange! really my least favorite color. i felt kinda sick.

yes, i have contacted the seller. no response yet. hopefully, it will be replaced. but, it probably wont bloom this year. bummer!


first pic is my bloom from today. second is a pic of zahadoom i got from the net.

Thumbnail by aggiegrl Thumbnail by aggiegrl
Baltimore, OH(Zone 6a)

I presume you will name the seller if you get no satisfaction?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Zahadoom is a nice daylily. I hope you get satisfaction....

garden bloom

Thumbnail by Lyle627
Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

i dont think i would name the seller. all the other dls that i bought have bloomed true, so far.

Lyle, nice pic. i hope i get to see it in my garden soon!


Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

you know, i was thinking about something. i was wondering you guys opinion. ok, so you buy a daylily that is newer and a bit more expensive. if it is incorrect and you do not find out about it for one maybe two seasons (for our northern folks), you have lost more than just a pretty bloom. even if it is replaced, it is now a cheaper flower than what you bought (most likely). you have lost a year or more of growth and potential hybridizing opportunities. what do you guys think?


(Michele) Cantonment, FL(Zone 8b)

Make sure if you do not hear from the seller to contact the lily auction. They are really good at getting these issues resolved.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Tracie, I am sorry that you didn't get the correct plant, I would think that the seller that made the mistake should give you extra fans and a really good bonus of a newer daylily besides.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

That is so disappointing. Hope you get it resolved.

Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

i heard from the seller and as i expected he is going to make it right! i knew this was just a mistake. apparently, a worker accidentally mislabeled some clumps when it was moved and they discovered the mistake when it rebloomed in the late fall. our mystery daylily is Kaskels Orange Thrill.


Waddy, KY

Mistakes do happen and until you grow daylilies and sell them you have no idea how easy it is for tags to fall off, plants to grow into another one, or maybe even a seed to fall in a clump and grow along with the named variety. I'm of the opinion that as long as the seller sends you the correct plant then they've done their part. And if they can tell you what it is you were sent in error then that's an extra treat as it's rare that they want you to send the plant back. I've only had one seller on the LA that didn't offer to replace a plant that I inquired as being in error. When two other plants in that shipment weren't right, I didn't even bother to tell them. I didn't have a digital camera at that time and three mistakes in one order? Well even I would have raised an eyebrow with that one. I've not bought from them since.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Great too that you got a name for your mislabel. I really like the orange ones, they stand out and I can see them from the house. I have Tropical Heatwave and Solar Flare and Cinnamon Sunrise and Primal Scream and oh goodness I could go on LOL
I have some pinks but not that many, most of the pinks I have are darker colors, or bright, not too many soft pinks. I could probably use some lol (yeah, right!)

Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

i do have some oranges. i love Primal Scream! just not my favorite color. i have a lot of various shades of pink and purple.


springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I like the purples too and I plant the orange and purple together with purple coneflowers and orange cosmos and it looks really cool together
Pink and purple would look nice together too, I had a pink and purple iris bed. Very pretty when they bloomed out.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

People make mistakes and it seems pretty easy to do when you sell alot of daylilys, It's nice to hear that the problem will be fixed.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

One year I rowed out a whole lot of dl and let then sold them the following spring. Of course they were not in bloom when I rowed them out or when I sold them. I had quite a few mislabeled even though I was making a good effort of keeping them straight. I decided I would never do that again and only sell them right off of my labeled clumps straight out of my beds. Besides that the birds squirrels and other critters ran off w some of my tags and then I didn't know what they were!

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Glad it was resolved.

Bryan, TX

My Eye-yi-yi bloomed today - I think that is what your orange is. Not my favorite color either but the butterflies and ladybugs seem to like it.

Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

thanks for the guess! however, the seller confirmed the unknown as Orange Thrill. the tags had gotten mixed up with Zahadoom during some clump movement.


Bryan, TX

Hi aggiegrl. I, too, am still daylily crazy. Today I have one Mini Pearl and twoYellow Pinwheels blooming.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Love that Orange Thrill although I am sure you were disappointed with it considering what you were expecting! Glad they got it resolved quickly. I have just recently added a couple of oranges because I think they will be more visible in the garden. Will be next year before I get to test that theory.....

Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

you are quite right, the orange is very visible! although it is still not my favorite color, it has grown on me. it is even sending up rebloom scapes. :)


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Tracie, that Orange Thrill is really pretty, though it's disappointing when you get the wrong DL and you waited over a year to find out. Yes, mistakes do happen. I sell DL's myself through the LA, and through DG when the Marketplace was open. So far I have not made the mistake of sending the wrong one, or at least not that I know of, as it could happen that someone may contact me a year from now to tell me they got the wrong one. It could happen, and if it did, I would make sure to make it right (and hopefully it wouldn't be one that I have fazed out).


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, my Bela Lugosi that I got from you last year had a ffo today. I will post some pics this weekend. Trying to stay ahead of the drought right now. Mike

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Nice, Mike! I look forward to seeing some pics. Hope you get some rain soon. A drought is no fun.


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