Rose cuttings trade

Irving, TX

I have cuttings of three different kinds of roses, the red one pictured, and two others. All pictured and described on my list. Looking for rose cuttings in return, have some on my want list but open to offers.


Thumbnail by IlovemyTiger
Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

Do you know the name of that red beauty ?

Irving, TX

I do not unfortunately. My family has had it for at least 14 years. It reaches over six feet tall, and fragrant. It's my favorite.


Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

You should post these on the rose
forum and ask for help on IDs

they are beautiful.

Do you ever go to the Texas forum ?

Irving, TX

Thanks for the tip! I've posted, I hope I get some IDs I would really like to know what they are so I can put a name to them.

Thank you.

I've never visited the Texas forum but now that I know it's there I will.


Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

Wekkll upu should !

Whole buncha wonderful
and knowkedgeable people...
we just had a roundup saturday
and roses, herbs, veggies,
outdoor and houseplants were

They are held in different parts
of the state in spring and fall.


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