CLOSED: April Showers Bring May Flowers

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

My problem is I have plenty to offer but no plants lol. Most people don't want seeds or whatever I have at the time. It's much easier to just hide all my wants until I actually have something.

I can't wait until my son is back in school. I lost a few plants this year, including some 2 year old plants, and it needs to be cleaned up. The weather did a number on quite a few plants. Unlike other places we had cooler temps for most of Spring and Summer, then we got hit with mid 80-90 degree temps for a few weeks. It took a toll on my plants.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

80-90 days? I dream about those days. :)

I started school again yesterday. 14 hour this semester...and starting Business Calc today. EEK!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

FOTV, one of the cannas you sent me has a bud! You sent me these two years ago and I've never seen them bloom :D

I'm not sure which it is but I think it's the Indian or India.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hola! Evening everyone. This thread totally went off my radar until it popped up on the Home page.

New thread for Fall Chat:

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wow.. I have missed a lot!

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