CLOSED: froggie swap reveal continues here!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

New room to show off your froggies and toads!

We came from here!

Mail out date will be 21 April.

1. monkeymomr - robyn ... outdoor frogs and love whisical ones ^_^
2. purpbutfly - Cindy ... I love funny cute, metal frogs most but will be happy with any kind of froggie. ^_^
3. ClanCampbell - Chris ... I love outdoor ones and either real or whimsical. Please hold your boxes till the 21st. ^_^
4. Oberon46 - Mary ... Outdoor real or whimsical ^_^
5. Mud_Elf - Kris ... Outdoor silly or whimsical Please hold your boxes till May 1st. ^_^
6. deejay9 - Susie ... out door funny wierd usefull or play full. ^_^
7. irisluvr0252 - Debbie ... Outdoor ^_^
8. diamond9192002 - Anita ... outdoor whimsical frog ^_^
9. warriorswisdomkathy - Kathy ... outdoor and either, but leaning to whimsy ^_^
10. rouxcrew - Joy ... Outdoor, and either whimsy or real ^_^
11. FruitOfTheVine - Susan ... outdoors whimsical or realistic ^_^
12. Cville_Gardener - Carole ... outdoor, please, I guess realistic is my favorite but any kind is just fine. ^_^
13. heavenscape - Jaye ... Any FROG is fine with me ^_^
14. jsxtiger - Jax ... Outside frog ^_^
15. Crit - Patti ... Any kind will do. ^_^
16. Ridesredmule - Charlene ... Outdoor frog, any kind ^_^
17. Happgarden - Joyce ... Outdoor frog ^_^
19. Robynznest- Robyn ...any kind of frog ^_^
20. Bettypauze - Betty ... any kind of frog ^_^
21. Sundownr - Bev ... I like outdoor toads, but welcome frogs, too! ^_^
22. Taters55 - Linda ... Any kind of frog ^_^

If you have a smiley face by your name, it means you have received your box of froggies!

Thanks again for a great swap, looking forward to seeing you all next year!

This message was edited Jul 5, 2012 11:13 AM

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Love dem froggies!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Bev, crossing all my limbs--- NO SNOW in Wytheville, Va.

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Thank you Jaye!!! I need all the crossed body parts I can recruit, lol!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hippity hoppin' on over. This swap is moving right along. I am enjoying the frogs and toads I received from Robin. This swap really is fun!

Edited to include sentences that make sense. :)

This message was edited Apr 23, 2012 10:59 AM

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)


Victoria Harbour, ON

LindaKay, mine arrived from Chris..Debbie will open and forward me photo's of my treasure!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

OK, Can't wait to see what you got!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hope none of you all are being hit by the noreaster. They were showing it on the map today. WOW

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

My froggies arrived yesterday- they were patiently sitting on the porch when I got home from work.. haven't taken a pic yet, but will as soon as I find that silly camera cord in one of these boxes in my front room LOL

Joy was my buddy and she sent me the cutest set of balancing frogs yard art- very rustic looking and I love them!! As I told her, I can't wait to find the perfect spot for them outside :)

Thanks again Joy.. you done good, girlie!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Chris, you and that camera cord. I remember that from before. You do have a time with that cord, don't you? :-)

Your frogs sound great. I have one of those balancing pieces that's a dragonfly. Luv it. I must look for a froggie one as well.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Poor Chris. I know what it's like moving then trying to find something. UGH! I feel your pain.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Chris and the truant camera chord!! Would love to see a pic of that, once you found that chord.
Me.. it's batteries. Never fail. When I need to take pics of swaps I've received, batteries 'dieded'! This time I'm prepared. Got fresh ones for this swap!

Bev, how's the weather there? Raining here and quite a brisk 64*. Supposed to hit 80s! Good for the brugs.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Afternoon everyone! How are you all doing getting those froggies boxed up?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

OH MY GAWD! happ, did you hear me squeal? Girl, you know me so well. This piece is perfect for me on so many levels and is already proudly displayed in my garden. And what a masterful packing job you did. Thank you, my Friend!!!

I received the most beautiful, amazing, whopping 18" diameter glass Froggie / Butterfly, Dragonfly, Lily Pads bird bath bowl on a metal stand.
You can't really tell from the pics but the critters, flowers and rocks are raised in the molded glass. Simply stunning!

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

It is indeed gorgeous.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh fruity, that is so pretty!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

15 delivered, and 7 more to go! Nice job ladies!

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Jaye, It's trying to warm up, but we're getting sprinkles. We never got any snow, and all the plants I babied did fine...sheeeweee, a close one!

Sooz, Love the bowl, happ can really pick 'em!!

Hope you find your camera cable Chris. I feel so sorry for ladies unpacking your stuff. I go nuts trying to find things for years after a move!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Fruity it was not suppose to get there until Saturday. Sent parcel I am surprised it got there so fast and in one glad I was not thinking about shipping...lucky shopping between discount and coupons ....but only could get one frog. I am glad you like it.

I got your name right as I was going to mail the water plants so at that time I didn't have the frog and my plan was to combine the mailing but that didn't work out so the plants went out today.
Enjoy :)

I haven't moved in a million years and currently can't find my camera. So if I moved I would never find anything or maybe I would find it only to lose it in a box...rofl. you have my sympathy ..

This message was edited Apr 25, 2012 3:59 PM

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Ok it is 92 in the shade...bizzar I am cooling it on the porch in the wicker lounge trying to use this kindle..loving my day off.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Wow, what a great find!!!! I have one of those in my back yard, it is a sunflower and I love it. Great things hopping around!!!

Happ, if I can ask, where did you find it so reasonable? Around here the bowl alone is around $30 and the stand as well. I would love to get one for my mom.


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I got it at gordmans. I have found a lot of great stuff there really reasonable and if you play the coupon game it works great. The bowl and stand came together for one price. Last one with a frog that they had on display so they marked it down then had a coupon and if you ask they have a customer (shut up) appreciation discount...rofl actually they gave me the discount because it took so long to get someone to help me with something else I was buying on a shelf so high you had to have a ladder. Key is to go example Friday evening they are really helpful when they aren't busy. Hope that helps and you can get one for your mom.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi everyone, sorry I've been a.w.o.l. since last Friday. Had a festival to show at over the weekend. Then come Monday morning had major dental work done. I'm just now starting to feel a little better and the pain is subsiding.

Carole I'm so glad you liked everything. When I got them I had to get me the same thing. Frogs are just so cute.

I'm loving everyones frogs, I kinda want to go around and swipe them all. But I won't!! Nothing here for me yet. Everyone have a good night, I've sat here long enough, starting to hurt again, it will be better soon.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hope your feeling better soon Robyn!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Ha! Joke about me and my poor missing cable! But it just hit me that (no way would I have done this!) maybe I should actually look in the camera case first LOL ^_^

Course, the day I was getting internet..I needed my router and I couldn't find that sucker for nothing! I dug in boxes that had my other computer stuff and my computer cords- found the modem, but no router. Wanna take a guess where I finally found it?? Luckily it was BEFORE the cable guy got here! It was in one of my scrapbooking boxes!! Seriously! Then I remembered the logic of why I put it in there :) Yes, I do believe I packed my brain in amongst a box somewhere LOL!

Fruitness, I know that you're just being polite with Miss Happ (oh, that's a pun! mishap- get it.. like losing a camera LOL) oh--back to what I was trying to say to you. I know you really don't like that birdbath and I really do need one here- so just ship it this way when you get a second, ok?? Please and thanks :)

I can't figure out how the devil it made it through the shipping! I'd be scared to death to mail something like that- you would think it'd be in a million pieces..

Ok- I have to admit that after work, a friend and I went to Carlos O'Kellys and had a jumbo forgive my silliness :)

Now I'm off of here-- going to try to figure out where that camera case is! ^_^

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Robyn oh that sounds painful hope you feel better soon
Chris wish I would of thought of the name miss happ rofl...fits me it

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

How I feel for you, Robin. Take care of yourself, Sweetie.

Miss! That was a good one. You know Missy Clan, you're the second person I read tonight that had a big old marguerita. Have one for me between unpacking that mountain of boxes :)

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Hope you start feeling better Robyn! I can't handle pain like that very well myself!

Chris, A jumbo margarita sounds pretty good right now, lol....maybe you'll find that cable now that you're relaxed a bit!

Off to bed for me...

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Susan, you're right. You got "the most beautiful, amazing, whopping 18" diameter glass Froggie / Butterfly, Dragonfly, Lily Pads bird bath bowl on a metal stand." And if you wished to retire it, you have my addy ;)

Joyce, that's truly weird weather we are both having. You in Kansas, 92* in the shade. Here I am, close to Myrtle Beach, S.C, enjoying low 70s and the weatherman had predicted 80s for the rest of the week. For the past few years, we have gone from winter and straight into summer!!

Robyn.. OUCH!!! Some Bailey's after dental work will do wonders for you ;) Sending you healing thoughts, girl!

Bev, as much as I like you, I will not cross my limbs anymore.
Darn I look like an old rickety yogi, minus the loin cloth and turban!! It's not easy to get these old bones criss crossed!!!
Jokes aside, I'm glad it didn't snow in Va. Your plants survive to entertain you for another year ^_^

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Jaye, Your criss-crossed body bending effort was a success and greatly appreciated, LOL! We have warm weather with a good steady soaking rain today, with a promise of sunshine tomorrow! Thank you ma'am, have a Bailey's on me (or one of those jumbo margaritas)!

Ok, after much help from Linda, my box is finally getting mailed today.

We are moving in the next couple of days and my landlord informed us last night that he is turning off our power this morning, I have been packing and running like crazy the last few days I never had someone get so mad because we wanted to move!!! It is just unbelievable!! So this may be my last post for a while.

I am working with Charter to get the cable run to my new place and will keep Linda up to date by phone.

Now for the really bad news!! The address we have is still not being acknowledged by the post office. So I will be going to the E911 office next Tuesday to get that fixed. I might have to get everything sent to my daughters house and Goober will take care of what ever I get until I can go get it,,, Or I can ask Ralph if things can be sent to his Domino's Store in Alexander City. I need to remember to ask him today. I will call LK today and let her know for sure.

Huggs to all And I will miss you so much...


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Robin, glad the dental work is over. Act, ack, ack. :(

Susan, gorgeous! I saw one of those at our Rural King store, I believe it was, and really admired it. Or maybe it was Lowe's.

Moving ... ack! Such a chore.

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Good luck with everything Kris!! No matter how much you prepare when you move, sometimes everything goes to #$%$^&. We've had good moving experiences and nightmarish ones. Hang in there girl, just keep the end game in mind!

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Had the "Perfect Margarita" at AppleBee's tonight (oldest kid's b-day celebration) . . . was purdy good, but I'll stick to the Bailey's, Kahlua, or KY bourbon, if given a choice! Just checkin' in . . . never mind me.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Those are good 'ritas too, Bev :) It's not often I find a place where I don't like them- as long as they have a little sweetness to them. mmm-mmm-good :)

Ok, I had a message all typed out and went to upload 2 pics- and it kicked me out of the room! I hate that!!

Anyway, I found my camera cord and so finally- here are my pics of the neat froggies who came to live with me. Joy, I really do love these! Thank you again :)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Here's another view of them :)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Ahhhh Chris, those froggies are so cool! Joy knew just what to send you! Glad you found that dern cable. I was trying to help by lookin' over here for it too!

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Myself, I prefer Bailey's+Kahlua+Grand Marnier= B52 Coffee (or just over the rocks) Speaking of which.....

And I love those froggies. Really neat and unusual. And they should turn a really neat color. Green!! lol

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Awwwwwww, those are adorable!!!!! Do you know the name of the hosta with the pointed leaves?

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