CLOSED: Spring Houseplants / Tropicals Swap

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Fruity those planters are really beautiful. I love the textures and the colors together. Would you come plant my planters in the city....please ;) What a dumpster find that is wow wow wow....good deal.

I am in the not mailed group yet also...rofl, think I have everything lined out and ready pretty much....

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

.....drove by the post office the other day, and threw a box in thar., on it's way to.............? Mexico?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Did anyone see the article yesterday on the pony tail palm trees in their native habitat? I got one of those in the tropical cool they look all grown up...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I saw that, they are really cool looking plants. I had no idea they got that big though!

Athens, PA

Mine never made it to that size - for some reason pony tail palms are a delicacy to housecats!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Carolyn, every cat I have ever known and anybody who had a pony tail palm the cat chewed on those hard sharp leaves, I think that is so strange. I have a big one at the office where I work and it survives because their is no cat.

I will put the one I received in the swap where the cat can't get it because like yours, my Mom had one and the cat chewed every leaf off...very odd.

I thought that was a cool picture of the palms, doubt I would every live long enough to see mine grow up that big, I think they are slow growers. Just thought the timing was so perfect.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm also in the "yet to mail" group. I may need an extension depending on how this week goes with DH out of town again. :/

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ditto that Carolyn!

(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

Got my package. Joyce (jsxtiger) sent me the most wonderful plant box. A sheffalaria, which I have SO been wanting, a couple draecena, a pepalomia (or something like that) and a zebra plant. I have to look this up, gotta find the right plant names and it's so late I guess I should get to bed. I will take photos of the plants, they are already planted and look so wonderful in their new planters.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

Fantastic! i saw a bigger shep....but it would have ta beez a much............bigger box! lol glad to hear you are satisfied!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Max, my cat and the only one allowed inside, has never attempted to jump on my kitchen island where the Ponytail Palm is planted in a Friendship Bowl. Most of the time he only perches on the back of the couch or snoozes in his bed on my desk. Some of you know how THAT went in March when he turned a cup of coffee over on hubby's laptop I was borrowing. Not a good outcome on so many levels! All my kitties chew on Pampas Grass leaves. Jags and all don't seem to bother them. Sometimes I wish they'd chew more since those purported 'dwarf' Grasses are now well over 5' tall, still growing, and overshadow several Daylilies in the back of my Spider Garden that I may never see bloom this year. On another note, the cats scare the willies out of me when they're hiding or cooling off beneath the Dayliliy leaves and decide it's time to take off to chase a bird or a butterfly.

Jax, you always do a great job. Wonder if that could be a Peperomia plant, Judy? Never have had a Zebra Plant but have seen them and they are way cool looking.

Since a lot of us are in the 'yet to mail' group, I know most of you are veterans at packing plants and you know the drill, especially now since it's really warm or downright hot for most of us or your buddy. Just wanted to put out a few words of a caution to please not totally enclose plants in plastic bags or smother them with bubble wrap. As a filler if you need one, just use crumpled up papers or lightweight packing peanuts. That way the plants you share don't run the risk of root or leaf rot, or the whole plant(s) arriving smothered in a mushy pile. Instead, just pack them with wet roots simply wrapped in damp paper towels (use H2O Crystals if you have them), then place plants in the appropriate size baggies or use Saran Wrap secured with tape or rubber bands with the tops of the plants exposed. That's sufficient enough really any time of the year (except Winter when most of us aren't mailing plants anyway). Bulbs only need to be mailed in paper bags. OK, off my soap box about how to pack. I just want everyone's new ones to arrive safely and in good shape. There are also several 'Sticky Note' you can refer to in the Plant Trading Forum. Some cuttings can be shipped bareroot and others need to be dampened.

I will say after receiving a lot of trades and swaps over the years, the sender has always packed carefully based on the plant's needs.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Good reminder fruity thank you.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

...hey fruity, thanks for the info........i always forgit bout the saran wrap! gotta remember......gotta remember! dont want nobodies ta git mushy plants! of course, i always giv mine a shot of bailey's ta travel on! hic! hic!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Howdy ladies - just checking in to let you know I am getting ready to ship - official deadline yesterday? I did manage to get a couple of boxes out yesterday, but I'm behind on my trades just a tad. I'm thinking I'm not the only one - I checked Frooty's list and so . . ..

Hope my buddy is okay for a couple more days without a box - oh wait - mid week may not be best. Then I guess I'll be waiting till Saturday.



EDITED to say - OH - the week of the 11th. Then I'm okay :D

This message was edited Jun 13, 2012 8:21 AM

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Yep Amanda, you aren't the only one!! *guilty*

I'll be getting mine out in the next couple of days. I swears!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

A little birdie told me one of you received your plants yesterday afternoon. Please give a shout-out here to thank your Buddy for them, even if you need to post a pic later.

My Buddy's box is delayed, not because I don't have the plants ready, but because she's enjoying a few days vacation.

Since this week with out suggested mail out date is almost over, if you haven't already mailed your Buddy's plants, please wait until Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week. If you are delayed longer, just let me know. And don't forget to please D-mail the Delivery Confirmation numbers you use to me privately.

These are our participants patiently awaiting their new plants:

AmandaEsq / Amanda
careyana / Carey
Carolyn22 / Carolyn
GAgirl1066 / Paula
taters / Linda Kay
toy747 / Lizette
Vinesnmore / Kat

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I was going to try to ship Saturday Froot - is that OH wait .... Never mind. I think my swap partner is also on hiatus. ...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Manda, Considering where you're mailing, I've done the same thing from here on Saturday many times and the box has always arrived like clockwork on Monday. Whatever you think best is A-OK with me.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Froot - sending you Dmail with question.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Got it and answered.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you for the nudge Fruity!

I did receive my box. Mailman stopped by while I was running errands yesterday so I didn't see the box until this morning!

Carolyn sent me a GREAT box!!! She sent no fewer than six different callas - several bulbs of each! The very exciting part is most of the bulbs are already sprouting!

She also included a miniature fiddle leaf fig, a BLOOMING Bromeliad, a lovely clump of aeschynanthus gracilis and what I think is a white with purple edge violet? (please correct me if I'm wrong Carolyn!) - the violet had fallen out of the paper towel into the packing material so was drooping, but after a drink is much happier again.

Carolyn everything is gorgeous and I'm so excited about all of them. It's been a crazy few days so I'm really very sorry I didn't report in sooner.

I've gathered up my items and I was going to drop them off at the PO tomorrow. Thankfully, I know mine will keep fine! I just hope my buddy enjoys them!

Athens, PA


So glad the package arrived.


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I will send on Monday, unless I go to the big city on Saturday our little town po suggested I not mail on Saturday if temps cold or hot were going to be a problem, but I have mail on a Saturday in the big city and it made it on a Monday also.

Did you all see the new privacy message when you logged in, don't know if it is a new company buying DG or just changing their privacy policy.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Fruity sorry for being so late, mine will go out tomorrow, today we are suppose to hit 98 and then a small cool front is suppose to come thru. I have them ready then walked out this morning and it was so hot already that I put them back indoors.....

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


I received a squishy box today from our dear Careyana. :)

Is that how ya do it?

Well I received a bunch of seed and several live plants too - mostly natives which you know I love. Since some of them will be annual in my zone, we could call them tropical. :D

I have already sent her a dozen Dmails saying how I love EVERYthing. Especially Everything. And the box came in the middle of a crabby spell here at home, so it was timely as well.

Thank you thank you - I will post a list later, batteries on the camera are napping in the charger, so no photo either.


Blackshear, GA

My box came today and wow, did Fruity spoil me! She sent a beautiful aligator fern, a varg. ficus, rubber tree and two different aralias. All beautiful and healthy! Susan, you did great and I love them all! You're such a wonderful person, thank you again!!

Here they are:

1 all of them
2 Aligator fern
3 rubber tree, aralias, ficus
4 Maggie - she wanted to take the picture...LOL

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066 Thumbnail by GAgirl1066 Thumbnail by GAgirl1066 Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Froot knows how to please! Nice box - what the heck is an aligator fern?!

Uh oh.

It is now officially summer and I now feel delinquent. :/

Hope the car thing and other stuff which has prevented me from getting my trades out resolve soon!

The good news - I have the green light to report to my new job on Monday. The bad news - still don't have a car! One of my wonderful neighbors has offered to lend me her car for the commute so I don't have to rent one.

cdMore to come.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You're so welcome, Paula! Doesn't everybody in deep South GA need an Alligator I thought it was a cool looking plant and had to get it for you. I'm glad the rest arrived in tact too.

Great news, Manda, both on the new job and the loaner car.

Here's Mickey before his last grooming appt and now has hardly any fur left after his Summer haircut. Sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the flowers :)

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Awww Sweet Baby. :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Trust me, he's a 7 pound beasty boy who isn't nearly as innocent as he looks.

Thank you for letting me know the status of some of your boxes. At least one is in transit and may have already been delivered. The rest of you, please Dmail me the Delivery Confirmation numbers.

These are our participants who are waiting to receive:

careyana / Carey
Carolyn22 / Carolyn
taters / Linda Kay
toy747 / Lizette
Vinesnmore / Kat

Please remember to post a list of the plants you receive and a photo as a 'thank you' to your Buddy.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh no Fruity! I did receive my box from Ms Carolyn!!! I just never posted a picture. I finally found the camera last night (dead battery of course) so I just snapped a quick picture of them all potted up!

Beautiful blooming bromeliad, Miniature fiddle leaf fig, aechmenia? (sorry, I buried the tag) and a sad-looking violet. Not sure if I've over-watered, under-watered, or if it just didn't survive popping out of its baggie during transport. :( Not shown are the six types of calla bulbs that were also included - they're in the ground! :D

Thank you again Carolyn!!!

Thumbnail by careyana
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for keeping me straight, Carey.

One of you lucky ladies received plants Thursday. Please pop in and let us know what all you received with a photo, if possible.

Also, Kat, just checked and tracking indicates you received yours mid-May. Hope all's well with you.

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

I received mine on Thursday, sorry for not posting earlier. Crazy week.
I received an Oleander Pink, Pink Brugmansia and Stingray Elephant Ear.
All plants I did not have.
Thanks so much!
I will try and get a pic tomorrow.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Very nice selections, Lizette, and all of those are hardy for you. Lucky girl! There are beautiful Oleanders growing in the mediums on our way to the beach in NC. What a great job as always, happgarden ;)

Ladies, when I found Paula's Alligator Fern, I'm not exaggerating that there was a huge EE Stingray at least 8' tall in the nursery showroom marked 'sold' with an awfully hefty price tag. It had multiple stalks 2-3" diameter. Who knows how old that plant was and it had obviously been growing in optimum conditions. I'd never seen one in person and lifted one of the leaves in my hand in sheer amazement. A single leaf was well over 12" long and wide! I hope yours grows up to be just as big, Lizette. happgarden always chooses just the right plants for her partner. We're looking forward to seeing pics when you get a chance.

Waiting to receive:
Carolyn22 / Carolyn
taters / Linda Kay

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey fruity, can you root cuttings of the oleander?

Wow, that sounds like a huge EE?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Toy hope everything made it ok, it has been so darn hot here, way above normal. It makes me nervious....rofl.

Yes you can root oleander. One of our mg's took cuttings and rooted them from hers which we swapped and she gave me a rooted one pink single flower, which I then gave to toy. Suppose to be pretty easy just really slow.

The string ray ee is a baby from mine. I am amazed how much mine has grown (which I received in one of the tropical swaps) and how much the ducks like to eat it!!!! The ducks have trimmed all the bottom leaves off, they are so helpful.... ;(

I have been working in the shade garden, still planting, splitting, and mulching. Trying to get my big tropicals out and about. We have had such awful winds that it has torn alot of things up.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Happ, it's hot here too! My biggest problem this spring was our lack of winter! We had a complete overabundance of army worms and cutworms this year. I'm still pulling those icky things from me caladiums, daffs, EEs, etc. :(

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Carey that is yuky.

Mount Vernon, IL

Fruitie, I'm back! sorry I missed this swap looks like y"all had fun! put me down for the fall swap! i will be ready! Hero and dad-in-law are building me pergala! pictures will follow as we progress. Also I'm up to my ears in spider plants if anyone would like some for shipping cost. I've got a dozen or so mother plants and more babies everyday. check out my porch...........

Thumbnail by candles4u Thumbnail by candles4u Thumbnail by candles4u Thumbnail by candles4u Thumbnail by candles4u
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

candles .... I would love a start from your spider plants if you have somthing I don't. I have the regular green sp, green with white stripe down the sides of the leaves (sorry, don't know the names on these), and Bonnie Curly. I only know the name of it because I got a small start in another swap. ^_^

Just let me know! Thanks!

Edited to change the green/white spider I have. White is down the sides of the leaves. not middle.

This message was edited Jun 28, 2012 11:46 AM

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