CLOSED: Spring Houseplants / Tropicals Swap

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Welcome to Our Annual Spring Houseplants / Tropicals Swap!

Our guidelines are exactly the same as they’ve been in the past.

Share a minimum of 3 houseplants and / or tropicals, Send nice size plants like you’d buy at your local garden hangout or already have. The value of the plants you send is $20 minimum, excluding Priority Mail with a Delivery Confirmation number. Feel free to divide plants you already have to propagate new ones. If you include cuttings, bulbs, tubers, or rhizomes, they will be considered Bonuses.

Names will be taken until 9 PM Eastern Time on Monday, May 14th. You will know your Buddy's name shortly afterward and will either be posted directly on our thread or in a D-mail from me. All plants need to be mailed no later than the week of June 11th.

Rules are simple….
1. Anyone is Welcome to join us! If you’re new to DG or have not previously participated in a swap I've hosted, please D-mail your name to me along with your mailing address, phone number, and email address. No one's personal information will be shared and is only for my log. Having pertinent information from all our participants helps ensure no one is left out.
2. Your DG Subscription must be paid through June 30th.
3. Respect the Privacy of your fellow gardener and do NOT post Delivery Confirmation Numbers directly on our threads. Instead, keep your receipt and D-mail the numbers to me.
4. Participants in our swap are only obligated to send to one person, your assigned Buddy.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)


AmandaEsq / Amanda --------- > Rec'd from Careyana
careyana / Carey --------------- > Rec'd from Carolyn22
Carolyn22 / Carolyn ------------ > Rec'd from GAgirl1066
chellflower / Chell --------------- > Rec'd from LK
FruitOfTheVine / Susan ------- > Rec'd from Vinesnmore
GAgirl1066 / Paula ------------- > Rec'd From FruitOfTheVine
goldhillal / Crystal -------------- > Rec'd from hollysmamma
happgarden / Joyce ----------- > Rec'd from chellflower
hollysmamma / Liz ------------- > Rec'd from scbuttercup
jsxtiger / Jax --------------------- > Rec'd from goldhillal
scbuttercup / Judy ------------- > Rec'd from jsxtiger
taters / Linda Kay -------------- > Rec'd from AmandaEsq
toy747 / Lizette ----------------- > Rec'd from happgarden
Vinesnmore / Kat -------------- > Rec'd from toy747

This message was edited Jul 5, 2012 8:12 PM

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

me me I am first I am first.....waving waving....

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm number deuce! Glad to see this swap return.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Me too flower... It is always a good one.

(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

Yes count me in!

I will just visit and cheer everyone on. I will have lots to share next year , so that is one consolation!!

Thankfully most of my plants survived the neglect of the last year and will be going to our new and PERMANENT home in the next week or two!

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Congrats again Kris!!!! Looks like a great space and an awesome adventure in planting! :)

Oh, and I AM IN! I have so much stuff to share now.... :D

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Add me please?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I'll reserve myself a spot and confirm in May. The kitties have to go to the vet and it'll be a doosy.

Cuyahoga Heights, OH(Zone 5a)

Sign me up! I have tons of houseplants and tropicals!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, what a great group already. Plenty of time left and always room for more.

That sounds great, hollysmamma! Please D-mail your info to me.
Name, address, phone number and email address.

Athens, PA

Sooze - please add me!


OMG!!!!! I have a peach tree and it has fruit!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Congrats on the peach tree Kris. I LOVE peach preserves. hint hint

I believe I will set in the corner and watch everyone. Hopefully next year I will have enough to trade. I bought a bunch of new plants at the Herbal Affair here in SS yesterday, plus my ws'ing.

((( CRIT))))

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I will, Carolyn, and am glad to.

Don't let those stories about GA being the 'Peach State' fool ya even if it is on their license plates. Being a born and bred South Carolina Girl, Peaches are the State Fruit and any freestone variety is my favorite. Alberta's are hard to beat. CA produces the most peaches, followed by SC, and GA is third. HA! Are you watching GAgirl1066?! You know it's all in fun.

Patti, you're bound to have houseplants ready to take starts from or divide? Look around and see what you can do.
I hate leaving anybody out. That goes for you too, Elfie, if you change your mind.

This message was edited Apr 22, 2012 8:30 PM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

We have the Porter Peach Festival here in Porter, OK every year. People come from quite a distance to get some Porter Peaches! I like to peel them and put them in the freezer with a little sugar. Then when I want to make a pie or cobbler, the filling is all ready. Peach pie is my favorite pie. And jam. hint hint elfie! lol I suppose you wonder why I don't make my own. Because even though it is made with love, someone elses' is always better. ^_^

Athens, PA

I love it when the peaches come in too. I buy them by the bushel and then freeze them in a little bit of orange juice concentrate. They are good in pies. jams, breads and by themselves if you are a perpetual dieter like I am.

Blackshear, GA

Thanks for posting this on the other thread, I thought I had signed up. Add me please, I have lots that needs a new home. I have to say, don't know who decided 'we' were the peach state, but down south its hard to find really good peaches. I am beginning to think we should be the soybean state, that's about all people plant around here anymore.

Are we doing a have/want list...or did I overlook that that somewhere?

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Patti, them's fightin' words! Every year Stonewall, TX has a peach festival. They aren't the biggest/fleshiest peaches available, but to me they are the sweetest and tastiest every. There are a few of us organizing a road trip this year - with all the spring rains, it should be a great crop this year! (and our local Costco is selling the preserves...yummmmy)

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

okay, time for my 2cents worth, in Tyler, TX there are a bunch of peach farms on the west side of town that grow our local peaches......but we're known as the Rose Capitol (although the Azalea Trail seems to get more tourists every year), whoop, double whammy! LOL.

Our peaches aren't as large either, but they are good. Often expensive when we get the late winter freezes after the trees have bloomed too!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

ooooweeeee you have me drooling for frozen peaches, Patti. :D

I was just adding an entry to my plant journal about the wonders of a certain 'Elodie' lily that I think is sprouting in a neglected pot. I wouldn't know except for Frooty's trademark tags. I was singing yer praises girlie, then I remembered it must be time for the spring swap. Weren't we partners last year? I got lucky and was able to deliver my stuff to you in person.

Please add me to this swap. I will start saving my pennies for postage now.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

GAgirl, a lot of the old-time farmers around here, who used to grow tobacco, are now growing fields of soybeans and grain sorghum they grind into silage to feed their livestock.

Very clever idea using Orange juice concentrate, Carolyn. Easier on the hips and helps keep peach slices from turning brown. As if they'd last that long around here 0:)

We sure were, Manda, and you gave me a nice haul. Remember the Night Blooming Cereus? It's doing really well, growing like crazy but still hasn't bloomed.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Froot - been meaning to ask about my friend the Sago palm. Sure would have loved to have a Sago Palm, but I was not the best foster mother for it . . ...

Athens, PA


Wish I could take credit for the orange juice idea, but I cannot. I have a large book that has all that type of information. It is called up Stocking Up III by Carol Hupping. So much information in it. I beleive it is now out of print. I first came upon it years ago when my Mom owned a bookstore. It was a family affair and we all worked in it at one time or another. Some of my kids fondest memories are when they went to the bookstore after school and waited for me to get out of work.

Here is the book - I love it.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Carey. Maybe you should organize a road trip to Oklahoma! ^_^ Haven't heard any bad news about the peach crops here. I don't think we have had a frost/freeze since the trees started blooming. I don't think I'll be able to freeze any peaches this year, as my hands won't allow the peeling of them. Darn thumbs anyway!!!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

My peach trees are still hanging on to their peaches...fingers crossed. 90 tomorrow low of high 30's this weekend...roller coaster.

Everything is blooming so early I won't have any flowers this summer except for annuals...rofl.
90's tomorrow will not make my iris happy.... ;(
whine whine whine.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I found some lovely verbenas at one of the local Lowe's todays for $1 a piece - I bought five and I'm cramming them into a coco hanging basket. The whole trip cost me $10. :)

Athens, PA

Oh Carey -

I love verbena. Sounds pretty. I try to make some of my own hanging baskets too. This year I WS'd some portulaca - I took the seeds from a large container at work that was so beautifully draped. I also bought some of the pendula tuberous begonias....

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Carolyn, the ones from Lowe's are hybrid varieties. There is a deep purple and a pink/white that I know for sure. The others are a crapshoot on colors so we'll see what they are later I guess...they were just the healthiest of the remaining plants. :) If you'd like, Texas has a native verbena that has purple/fuschia blooms that grows in my backyard that I could share!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I got some verbina that is bright bright yellow...from our lumberyard...they had hanging baskets for 4.99 sounds really good but the baskets aren't huge but a good buy.

Your native one is quite pretty never thought about them being native...rofl especially in Texas.

Athens, PA


I looked at the link and the zones on the verbena are showing as 5a. Do you think that is accurate? I never thought verbena to be hardy to this zone.

I would love some if you want to share. Thank you.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I won't be in the swap. I'm sorry but at the moment I'm being told to get rid of my houseplants. Dad was unaware of the specific pest I'm dealing with and then today I was treating the plants when I ended up hurting myself really really bad (inhaled the spray.) Totally out of the swap and am probably going to lose all my indoor plants.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Carolyn - there is a really nice one near my veggie bed that I'll be happy to send to you. :) Texas has several lovely natives - Indian Paintbrush, Prairie Verbena, Rain Lilies, Chocolate Daisy, Orchid's such a huge state with so many different climates of it's own! Spring is a lovely time of year. :)

Athens, PA

Oh Ang - I hope you are feeling better. I cannot imagine inhaling that stuff.

Carey - thank you. Sounds like there are things that grow outside for you that would be either an indoor plant or an annual.


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh no Ang! I hope it's not too serious!!! Please take good care of yourself! [[[[HUGS]]]]

Carolyn, my aunt who lives in the Poconos took home one of the daisies last spring. She said it came back this spring and looks great in the yard. :) It's a bummer the verbena will be mostly done blooming by the time it gets to you!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

No, not serious. It was a homemade spray that contained chiles. I won't die but there is a lot of pain and burning. Dad thinks it'd be easier on me to start over.

Athens, PA


I saw your question on the other forum about clematis - dmail me what types they are and I think I can give you a hand. I feel a bit initimidated over there on that clematis thread..... not sure why.

Athens, PA


I see they finally answered you. I won't worry about it then.

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