Is this a strawberry disease?

(Zone 7a)

I bought about 2 months ago a strawberry plant in homedepot and it looked fine and was giving small red strawberries a little sour though. But recently I noticed that some of the leaves were turning red on the outside of the leaves. I got worried. Is this Normal or is it a disease. Is it treatable or do I have to get rid of it? When I first bought it I made a mistake of watering it with water that had liquid fertilizer that was meant for another plant and not sure if it burned the leaves as it did to another plant because the fertilizer is not supposed to touch the leaves. So I'm not sure if its that or if its an actual disease. Please help, I'm a total newbie in gardening.

Thumbnail by milknsky Thumbnail by milknsky Thumbnail by milknsky
Burien, WA(Zone 7b)

Could be early signs of blight or leaf spot, but it could also be nothing and just environmental.
Here are some pics to compare to if anything progresses.
If they are infected, I would destroy and start over.

Summit, SC

My strawberries did the same thing, and I freaked out. But an expert told me that it was because of a lack of nitrogen in the plants. You can restore the plant by giving it an organic fertilizer like fish emmulsion. This is my first choice, but only do it of you are alright with handling that stuff. :)

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