Ticked off!

Warners, NY

Out craning my neck and standing on my head searching for daylily scapes, which are all around now, found two deer ticks on my leg last night, one barely dug in, pulled loose and ran, the other I had to dig out with a stylet from my glucose tester. I suppose I should check the blasted glucose once in a while too. Now have Lemon LIly scapes rising and Spring species mixes. Garden chaos---I call it Eden after the Fall, all thorns, weeds, and thistles. Wife refuses to go out there, say the bugs are already awful. I usually do not try to persuade her as it is quiet except for the birds out there. Tick bite is forming small circle so I may have to hit the Docs for antibiotics just to be safe. Rats. The Old Lady in the Docs for a sinus infection due to so much pollen this early, and my autistic kid in for a back sprain on his job. When am I going to get time to divide or move any daylilys? I am simply going to let them survive as they will. Grower here told me that those with the most vigor would probably crowd out less strong seedlings anyway.--------------------------------------------------------Weedy

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

Haha.. It's always something, isn't it? As for the ticks, I got one off me. It left a big, red welp. Am taking Benadryl. That is one thing I dread about the warmer months..ticks!! I got a 20pound bag of flea and tick granules and spread all around. Hopefully, that will help.
I need to dig up some daylilies that I have sold so I can't stay indoors. Plus there's weeds to take care of. Yuck! Also spraying with Off might help.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Don't have a tick problem here as I am in a suburb of Detroit. Not any woods around. We do have a lot of mosquitos and there have been several cases of West Nile virus so I have to be careful with that. Can't seem to keep up with the weeds and wild violets have invaded my garden everywhere. Know how frustrating it can be Weedy.

Baltimore, OH(Zone 6a)

Deep Woods off is usually the top one rated by Consumer Reports. It is strange that my wife has been getting ticks this spring and I haven't. We are both in the garden a lot.
Hopefully you have seen the doctor by now - that does not sound good.

This message was edited Apr 19, 2012 10:50 PM

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