Callirhoe involucrata var. lineariloba

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Has anyone one had any luck growing white winecups from seed? I'm on my 3 rd. winter-sown attempt with no luck. Some info I've read says fall sowing so should I save my containers of seeds I sowed this passed winter until next spring?

I'm would also be interested in any nurseries you might know about,that sells plants.


Belton, TX

I don't know of any nurseries, but I have grown the whites and the whites and pink-throated from seeds I got from an EU did seem to take longer than other plants, but the tubers seemed to have formed first and once they got to be about 1" or so, green stems began to rise and so forth. It took about 6 months and honestly have no idea what time of year...I did lose of large number of the small plants when I tried to transplant them...they definitely did not like being moved. Also, the white ones seem to be more fragile even when successfully planted. Mine bloomed well for a year or two and then declined without reseeding...good luck...

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Well,that sucks. Maybe they're not worth the effort. Thanks for the info.


Belton, TX

Well, they were beautiful blooms...I do understand that 'Angel Blush' is available on the market in several parts of the country...that may be an easier route...

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I'll check that out.....and hang onto the pots I sowed this passed winter until next spring then if they don't sprout,I'll dump them in a bed.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

I have never tried to grow winecup from seed, since it is so easy to dig up their tubers; I saved half a dozen of them when I noticed the heavy machinery parked ready to start work on a new highway ramp in Dallas some time in the 1990's. They are easy to find at any time of year, since the rosettes never die back. The bigger the tuber, the more blooms you'll get. My source for winecups down here in SE Texas are a couple of goat farmers whose fields are full of them.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Yes,I have c.involucrata...all over the yard as it self-sows well. I wanted some of the white ones too.

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