Prolific Perilla

Warrenton, VA

Hello, last year, I came back to gardening in Virginia, after living many years in the West. Now, I decided that I wanted dark purple foliage, so the guy at the nursery set me up with a couple of flats of a Coleus-like "Perilla." WOW. Talk about doggone hardy! Took over, and when I read up a bit, saw that they are invasive! YIKES! They grew into gargantuan beings, vastly overshadowed my newbie foundation shrubs. Quite attractive when driving-by, but I had a catch in my throat the whole time they were growing.

Am learning that "easy-to-grow, adaptable," means "Invasive." I'm more than a little upset that this would be sold in Virginia, along with other invasive plants (barberry), and these plants are on the Virginia Invasive Plants List! So, BEWARE the Perilla! It was lovely, but I cut off the flowers as soon as they appeared, and finally stuffed them into plastic lawn bags to rot awhile before going to the land fill...this year, I will find some nice ageratum or salvia...

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the tip. I did not know this about this plant and am glad I don't have it!

Edited to add:
I try really hard to research the plant when I am unfamiliar with it before I buy it. I also look for key words. Ground cover makes me want to start running! Also, if it says it will grow in too many situations: shade, sun, wet, dry, I assume it's aggressive.

This message was edited May 3, 2012 2:54 PM

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I love perilla, and do not mind the spread. I just pull it where I do not want it. I once vacuumed it in my leaf chopper and put the shredded stuff on my gardens, forgetting about the seeds. That spring I was pulling it all over!

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