Deadheading Salvia

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

I never have any luck with salvia and it's particularly upsetting because it was my grandmother's favorite. My earliest gardening memories are of helping her plant red salvia, candlestick plants and clematis in the spring. That was a really really long time ago. So my question is, after the flower spike is spent, is there some place in particular I should cut it off like you do when deadheading roses? My plants always end up too tall and leggy with poor blooming.

Duxbury, MA(Zone 7a)

I've never grown the red ones, but I can tell you with May Night Salvia, you can deadhead too low and then they do not rebloom. I always cut the flowers just at the base, there's usually a little V where the flower comes out and I leave the V. Last summer another gardener and I shared responsibility for a traffic island garden and she used hedge clippers to quickly deadhead all the May Night and it really never rebloomed all summer, a little finally at the end of the summer.

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