pests galore

parthi, India

here in india the temp is around 100 f, dry ,no direct sun all plants are in pots of a very large size, good drainage soils is nutrient rich
photo 1: it shows the ravages of ants, have eliminated them, is this savable.....
photo2: can anyone identify this vine /creeper, leaf is very soft, grows tall, branches are angular and delicate .....
photo 3: after repelling the attack of leaf miners this started to appear, can some one shed light on what it is....
photo 4: there are a zillion of these they fly among the lower leaves close to the soil should i be concerned ?....... .
have used macacide -50 for the miners substantially dilluted and seemed to work although they have returned in small grounds in the soil for the ants and neem oil on the leaves and branches ....discovered what seems to be white fly or mildew under the leaves and in new shoots, used neem on some plants and the macacide 50 on a couple of the more hardy plants .......everything used is only because they are the only things available ...........should i change plants to something less labor intensive seems to be getting worse.......
( jasmine was first choice but no direct sun available is there something similar, aroma, that will take indirect sun) planted to have something that will grow up on the walls and around the doors not opposed to something else more resistant to infestations that would sustain the conditions first mentioned getting very frustrated with all the obstacles involved for what i have .......any help .....thank you .....
Attached Thumbnails

Thumbnail by saibaba75 Thumbnail by saibaba75 Thumbnail by saibaba75 Thumbnail by saibaba75
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Photo 1: it most likely wasn't the ants that were hurting your plant. Usually when you see ants crawling on a plant, they're there because of honeydew that's been secreted by sucking insects like aphids, scale, mealybugs, etc. Your picture is too small to see if you still have any of those pests around but they're the things you need to worry about getting rid of, not that ants. Assuming you got rid of the insects that were attracting the ants, your plant should most likely recover.

Photo 3: if you were in the US I would say it's leaf cutter bees and don't worry about them. They cut out little pieces of leaves to build their nests, but they don't harm the plant and they're a beneficial insect to have around. I'm not sure if you have those bees in India or not.

Denison, TX(Zone 7a)

In my experience, Neem Oil is the best offense against most gnats, whiteflies. However, it DOES require mutliple applications to take full effect. I think I had to spray my strawberry bed 3-4 times before seeing relief from fungus gnats.

I agree with ecrane3 about the ants. They will definitely be present wherever you have aphids, but it's the aphids that are the problem. A good strong spray of water on all leaf surfaces will destroy them as they are very soft-bodied, but again, it will require several applications. And that's assuming you can spray water where these plants are located? : )
Aphids are always a menace here in the US when spring is warm and the plants are putting out new growth. They always attack roses here in Texas!

Sorry, I don't know what Pic 2 is. Hard to say, not knowing the plants available in India. Same with Pic3. Sorry I'm not more help.
Good luck!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Ants don't necessarily mean aphids--scale will attract them too and can be harder to spot than aphids. Scale is also harder to eliminate than aphids unfortunately.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Let us not forget about Mealy bugs. The ants farm them too.
The last picture looks like Grasshopper damage, if it were here.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Oops, that was the third picture, not the last. Do you have leafcutter ants there? Just a thought...

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