CLOSED: It's time for the froggie swap reveal!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Patti, I'm @92% good now :D You got d-mail!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yeah, right, Crit. That's a great frog "tale". Croak, croak. :-D)))

Meanwhile, some froggies hopped up to my house today. Thank you. Robyn. We have two Robyns, I see ... my sender is Robynznest.

First, I'll apologize for the quality of the photos. Trying to take a picture of a windchime isn't always the easiest thing to do. Especially when the wind is blowing. But I received a great frog windchime. Some other froggies and a ladybug came along too. The ladybug is a sweet little pot hanger to hang on the side of a pot (duh). The sunflower thingy is a small hanging bird feeder (suitable for small hanging birds). Yuk, yuk. OK, I'm done.

Thank you very much for everything, girl, and for the sweet card that came along as well. ♥

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

My bad! There are two Robyns! That's what speed reading does to me. Lol- minus 1 off that perfection now.

MonkeymomR, you packed a great box for Patti.

Robyn of the Robynznest, again, I'll say, you never disappoint!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OH, cute, cute!!!! And you got a big-eyed froggie too!

I think we have a Robyn and a Robin. Robynznest tries to fool us. tee hee
(Please don't tell me I'm wrong, it would ruin my day. ^_^)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

OK, I won't tell you.

Just going by what it says at the top of the thread.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

But I think you are right because she signed the card "Robin". :-)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those froggies and the feeder!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I got♫ my package♪ Frogs a hoppin' ever where..
Hoppin' here and hoppin there....
I have a hanging sleepy frog.
A beautiful pot hanger that is (one in my hand) Gorgeous...
Solar hanging frog.
Thank you Purple butterfly, I love them all.....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Charleen, I love those frogs! Nice going Cindy!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Love the solar frog!

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

You're welcome Charlene!!! And nothing got broke YAY!!!!!!

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Crit, Great froggie collection from Robyn!!! Love 'em all!

Carole, You got a great froggie box too, from Robin!! So cute!!

Charlene, Cindy was frog-tastic to you, too!! Very unique!

I believe we ALL scored big on this swap!!

BTW, my tiny pond is full of frogs, but I've not seen my yard toads yet this year (or any hummers) :-(

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

What's with the mail service. I've never heard of so many breaks in well packed boxes.
I got my box today. I grab it right out of the mail ladys hands. I think she's still laughing. I love it. I will hopefully post a picture of it tomorrow. It's three frogs that look like they are laughing at the funniest joke ever told. I'm in love with them. And another great thing. They came from Alaska. I've never gotten mail from Alaska before, that was as thrilling as my frogs. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Mary. They are going in Sam's garden just as soon as I finish digging it out, so she will be super happy too.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Very nice box, Charleen. ♥ Fun, fun.

No hummers here yet either, Bev. I'm waiting rather impatiently. tap...tap...tap..tap.. As I recall, they were late arriving last year too. But they did finally show up. I always worry about them on the long, long migration. :-/

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Carole, My neighbor heard that the county north of us spotted hummers, so we suspect they're sneaking in the front door and will be here soon, :-)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Ok made it to the po and the froggie is hopping on it's way.......
Will be there soon...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Put those hummer feeders out, they will be there!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, I always put my feeders out early but they still come later than I'd like. Who says I'm impatient? lol.

Bev, are you talking about Ruby-throats?

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

I have seen two hummers so far, an itty bitty green throat one way back first part of March, then one was feeding off of my Columbine a few days ago

Well due to moving issues and printer now acting up I have the box ready but no way to mail until Thursday. So I guess I am going to be late... so sorry....

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Yep, they're the Ruby-throated hummers. DH swore he saw one a month ago checking the window where we usually place our feeders. I set out the feeders and had no birdies . . . guess I better put them out again to be ready!

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

My FROGGIES are here ^_^ Thank You Anita/Diamond99
First thing I unwrapped was the cutest solar's a flower with a Lady Bug so cute I love it. Did you pick it up at Big Lots??? I want to find some more like it for my front yard. It is just too cute to not have more!!
Then there is a bouncy solar frog like I sent my buddy, but mine is green. I'm happy to get that too because I was going to keep the one I sent my buddy, lol
Then a frog wind chime and a nice big Froggie to sit amongst my flowers

Took picture of them by some flowers but kind of hard to see, so took an in door one

Thumbnail by purpbutfly Thumbnail by purpbutfly
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those froggies Cindy! Nice job Anita!

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Cindy, What cute froggies!! I love the solar-powered goodies, too! Good box Anita!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Love the frogs Cindy, they are so cute in the garden. It is sometimes hard to mail your froggies away...rofl....

I have a question is that one of those 3 pots tilted pot holders, I think they call them flip flop? You gave me a great idea to put my in concrete so it stays upright....

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sweet froggies, Cindy! Your concrete garden looks nice too.

Hubby has spotted two Ruby-Throated Hummers. First one on April 3rd and one last week, both males. Scouts perhaps? My feeders went up early, I think in the first part of March. Patience isn't one of my virtues either, Carole. Put 'em up Bev, and they'll

Here's the link to this year's map if you'd like to report your RT sightings. There are maps for other hummers as well.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the link, Fruit. I do believe they were later than this last year, but I could be wrong. Time escapes me anymore. :-D

Great frogs, Cindy. Frogs are just hoppin' in from everywhere. Too fun!

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

here is a better pic of my titled pots. This what I did, got two tree ring cement thingies, filled with dirt, planted flowers, ran a piece of rebar in the ground, then stacked the other pots. I'm about 3/4 finished with that side of the yard. Got too hot out had to quit for awhile. After the sun moves it will be shaded then I'll give it another go...................maybe

Doug was fooling around with some 18k gold spray paint and sprayed the Angel, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! now I need to fix her up.
I'm going to kick his hind end but good for him

This message was edited Apr 21, 2012 3:02 PM

Thumbnail by purpbutfly
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

That looks really good, Cindy. ♥ I like that.

The RT sightings are all around me on the map -- Nashville on the 18th. So surely mine are nearby out there. I always worry that they didn't survive the rigors of the migration. I'm such an old mother hen worry-wart sometimes. :)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I like your idea with the tilted pots, and love the colors, so bright and cheerful. Did you paint them or buy them those colors?

It is too cold here for me to stay out, it is windy and the wind is really cool. My hands are still cold from going outside and just telling our friends goodbye. Hopefully tomorrow will be warmer.

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

I painted all but the top pot. My granddaughter did that one ^_^

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Cindy they are beautiful. What kind of paint did you use? Sorry for all the questions, but they are so pretty.

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Oh no problem ^_^, I use acrylic paints. Delta ceramcoat the most, but there several different brands. Patio Paints by DecoArt is the best to use for your outside pots and things. After I'm done then I spray them with KRAYLON crystal clear gloss, then MINIWAX HELMSMAN spar urethane to protect them from all kinds of weather.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Perfect, I use to paint all the time and have tons of acrylic paints and brushes. One more question what do you do inside the pot? Do you paint and seal it, just seal it, or do nothing?

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

I only paint the inside of the rim, then seal the rest of it with spray sealer just for terra cotta.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Got it, thank you so much. About 42 this morning, burrrr, with some wind and clouds....just too cold for me outside, waiting to see if we warm up. I have a couple of things I have to do, a million that need to be done. I am going to be forced into cleaning house.....yuck.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Frost this morning, waiting for a bit so I can get out into the gardens...

Chris, your box has been received and in Debbie's hands..will ask her today to open it and send me photo's so I can ohh and ahhh right along with the rest of you.
I'm doing the happy dance..

Gorgeous froggie's girls, must take a few photo's today as I set some of my previous years swap froggies..still ohh and ahh as I take them out of winter storage

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Cool this morning and forecast of colder temps with SNOW! Yike's, we started a local plant-trading group and I have no way of getting these guys in the ground before the snow hits! Maybe I shouldn't even try to plant them and just keep them under the porch?!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Love, Love, Love all the froggie boxes coming in. They are so unique!!!!! Love the solar lights too. I now have 2 different froggie solar lights! I love them, they are just toooooo cute!

I put up my hummer feeder the first part of April to attract any scouts that might be in the area. I have either seen 2 hb or the same one twice starting last week. Need to put the rest of them up!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Well, I finally have the internet and computer up and running at the new place :) So many neat frogs being sent all over the USA! Betty, glad to hear that the box is there and hopefully you'll like what I sent!

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