CLOSED: It's time for the froggie swap reveal!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Good to go with the address, Crit. I'll probably get the seeds in the mail today.

Haven't seen froggies_girl either. Especially odd that she missed the froggie swap. ??? :-o(

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good morning fellow frogluvers.

Susan, Julie listed her phone number in the addy exchange. Maybe someone could call her?
Hope she's okay.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That's why Joy had dirt but no plant.... I was recycling and one of the packages had dirt. Sorry girl.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Taking 2 lunches today, one to eat and the other to visit my favorite garden center, always loads of froggie's. Have a friend who will be visiting on Sunday so hoping she will bring to box state side when she goes to Buffalo Monday..
Lagging a bit behind but will get it to my swap partner asap..didn't miss the dealine yet did I???

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Package not going out because I ran out of tape....drats......, I did get the two boxes made into one box and really good stuffing, but going to have to get more tape.

Walked around the garden last night quickly and I am starting to get some iris blooming. One of my favorite flowers iris. Everything is really getting big along with all the maple trees I need to pull out, and the weeds, and now I have enough maple helicopters to fill a football stadium I am sure...ugh....

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

No Betty, I think deadline is April 21st

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Heck darn I am going to be on time, at least for mailing.....rofl

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Lots of time to get those packages out!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Always seems that way to me also, but something always happens.....
I usually make it right under the wire.....
There have a been a couple of times I mailed right off the bat, and then a little while later I would panic not remembering I had already sent...rofl....

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Jaye is my secret buddy. She sent me a huge box full of goodies and I love them all.

I recieved a yard flag, fron yard ornament, stuffed frog, FROG (fully rely on God) hat, frog house, coffee mug and matching pad (made especially for me) and a frog bib for my grandson.

Thumbnail by diamond9192002
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

My Ex husband passed away on Friday. I know I posted on one or two of the forums earlier that he had been diagnosed back in December with esophagus cancer that had spread to the liver and spine. He was doing treatments but they didn't gain him much additional time. We had 4 kids together and stayed friends after the divorce so I was able to be there for our kids, his mom and siblings. It was hard to let him go but he is not suffering with pain or the horrible disease anymore. His weight had dropped down below 100 lbs as he couldn't eat solid food due to the tumor in his esophagus. The kids are now concentrating on the property and settling his estate. Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.

My box should go out on time....I do have a couple more things to pick up but should have it ready to go by Saturday.



TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

My thoughts and prayers go out to you, Debbie, your kids and your ex' family. It is hard to see someone you love to go down that way. But he's now in the arms of our Lord and no longer in pain.

Anita, I am glad that the box get to you with all those fragile stuffs intact!! I had so much fun sewing that mug rug, so now you know there's just got too much scraps lying around!! Lol!
Hope you'd join us for the next frog swap!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Goodness, that must have been a huge box of froggies! Love all those froggies, but that hat is so cute! Hope you can find a place for all of them Anita?

Debbie, so sorry to hear about your Ex passing! Sending prayers as well.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Great box Anita! YES, love the hat! I have one that has fish hooks (not the real thing) on it and says Hooked on Jesus. ^_^ My buddies box was scheduled to arrive today, but could be tomorrow. I need to check my DC and see where it is.

Sorry about the passing of your Ex Debbie.

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Anita, There's a lot of froggie fun packed in that box!! Jaye was good to you!

Debbie, My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Sorry, am trying to find pix..ooops sorry, took pix today of my froggies but didn't dowload into proper place.

I got my froggies today......Thankyou Crit/pattie, i just love em!!!!!!! Will try later to locate photos or retake in the morning...but thankyou so much. The one that is a spinner the deer will hate, yeahhhhh!!

This message was edited Apr 18, 2012 8:17 PM

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Great box of fwoggies, Anita and Jaye! ^_^

It's hard to let go but equally difficult to watch the suffering. ♥♥♥

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks everyone.....I think the family handled his death pretty well. They know he is no longer in pain or suffering so they are thankful for that. Now the kids are dividing up the furniture, pictures, etc and will sell the house and his truck. I believe we will be buying the truck as DH needs a newer vehicle (and he WANTS a truck!). This will help out all of us.

I got my box of froggies yesterday from Sundownr (Bev)! I will try to remember what all was in the box....I took pictures but my DH took the camera today so he could try to locate an old cemetery. We are both into Genealogy and do a lot of picture taking in the cemeteries. Anyway, back to my froggies! If I can remember correctly, there were 3 tiny colored frogs (like the way you told me about those! Cute!), a froggie tea light holder, a really cool looking frog with colored glass on the back, a standing frog, another frog with the cutest face!, a frog mini garden flag (love my flags!), gloves (green...when I first looked at them I thought those designs were frogs too!), a little stuffed cloth froggie that makes a froggie sound when his back is pressed!, did I miss anything? I didn't write it down because I was going to use my camera to help me remember! I think I got it all but feel free to add anything I missed! Love them all! Great box Bev! Thanks!


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Debbie, I have you marked as recieved, can't wait to see your frogs!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Bev......I used to live in Bluefield WV and have been to Wytheville many times! I loved the area but this is my home as I was born and raised here. It's nice to be back but I still miss Bluefield!

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Debbie, I think you summed up all that was in the froggie box! I hope you can use (or play) with everything, and hope they help relieve some of the sadness in your life right now.

I was raised in Princeton for most of my life, and worked in Bluefield for a while. I like Wytheville because it's so dern pretty (open and rural), but really miss sittin' in the mountains (they have a few tall hills here, lol)!! I visit the mountains (and my kinfolk) once a week or more, so I don't get too homesick.

Have a good day lady!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

So sorry to hear about your ex-hubby. I know that was hard on you also, but he is definitely in a better place now.. my thoughts and prayers are with you and his family.

My box is going out today- I can't believe I'm on time lol

Bubble wrap- I just sent LK a thank you, because she had sent my bird house (on another swap) with tons of bubble wrap- so I thanked her for helping me pack since I used all of it to wrap up my breakables :)

Now I'm off to move boxes to the new place-- well, as soon as UPS moves from behind my SUV!! lol

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Wow Bev, your box must be a very much welcomed 'lift me up' for Debbie. So many frogs to kick that sadness away.

I called Julie (Froggies_girl), and left her a message. Told her that we at DG miss her and hope she's okay.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Had to redownload but here are my goodies. Thanks again crit!!!!!! I just love my froggies...

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I love your froggies too. How adorable. ^_^

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

We lived in Green Valley from 1988 until I moved back in 2002. It was gorgeous to wake up and see the beautiful mountains....sometimes we didn't see the sun until almost noon! I worked at Bluefield State College from 1990 until 2002 when I moved back. Lots of friends were left but I still keep in touch with quite a few of them! My Ex husband was the store manager for the ACME store in Princeton for quite awhile....probably from 1988-1995 or 1996....I don't remember when he was transferred to Richlands.

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Oh man!!! Lovin' all the frogs I'm seeing. Need to hurry and finish my front yard so I can put out all my froggies. Just hope they don't get stolen. We live in a bad neighborhood, lots of homeless people go buy everyday. Someone cut wires and stole battery off of neighbor's big pontoon boat.

My buddy should get her box 2morrow ^_^

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Got my froggies from pRobyn!!!! Will post later

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Debbie, You have had a lot on your plate recently to deal with. Sending you and your family gentle (((hugs))), my friend.

Such neat froggies you all have received.

I agree, Bev, there's such a difference in the climate and temperature between the foothills where I live and the more majestic mountains in WV. Although the ones up near Floyd are pretty spectacular. A lot of times, I miss our traveling days when we lived near Charleston and Wheeling. What a Wild and Wonderful State WV is!

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Kathy, Those are really cute froggie fellers!! Good job Crit!

Jaye, Hope you hear from Julie soon!

Debbie, It truly IS a small world, we just missed each other living in WV! I lived in Green Valley at one time, took a few classes at Blfd. State, and I may have known your Ex, too!

Susan, I love the area and people in Floyd, too! They say it's where old hippies go to retire, lol! I'm a mountain girl through-n-through!

G'nite y'all, it's been a really long day!

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

.............coming out from under the table ta say i beez still chasing them dastardly frogs.........hope ta git me box out before deadline!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

LOL. Go Jax go, go Jax go, go Jax go. :-D)))

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Kathy, I'm so glad you like your froggies. I thought the one holding the leaf was just too cute. Then when I saw the froggie spinner, I just had to get it. Love the colors and like things that move. Does it make any kind of sound when it spins?

OK, here is my box from monkeymomr (Robyn). Just too kewl. Love it all. First on the left is a solar light with a froggie setting on a mushroom. Love, love, love it! I got one (but it's different) in last years froggie swap. I never see them like that! Next is a stuffed froggie to snuggle with. Can't let Bobbie and Bowser get a hold of it! They would love it but I would not love them having it! The cutest stepping stone with a froggie cutout that says GARDEN. I know just where this will go! Last but not least is See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil froggies. I LOVE THEM. lol they are so cute with the big eyes and all. Too bad Speak No Evil couldn't speak and yell at the package handlers, as part of him is broken off. I'll have to see if I can work some magic with the superglue and put him back together.

Thank you so very much Robyn!!!! I love it all!!!!!

NOTE: I apoligize Robyn, I tried to send this last night and when I did it wouldn't go. I realized I had no satellite signal for my internet, as we had storm clouds rolling in!

Thumbnail by Crit
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those froggies! The hear no evil ones are so cute!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They are all so great!!!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, they are all great. Love the "see no, hear no, speak no" trio. ^_^

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Robyn, you did good, as usual!! I still love my tic-tac-to froggie board, sistah!
Now I'm liking that solar light.

Patti, where did you find that precious frog holding up a leaf? So adorable!!

Julie hasn't returned my call. It's obvious my strange Singapore accent terrifies her! Lol!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Jaye, I got him at one of our local stores last fall. If you are REAL good and say your prayers, one just might end up in your mail box. And I don't mean prayers for a froggie holding a leaf! ^_^

Yes, I love the trio too. And the bug eyes. lol I have another froggie I bought myself that is about 12-18'' tall, holding a welcome sign with the bug eyes. I got him at Hobby Lobby last year. I picked him up to send to my froggie buddy last year, but when looking at him he had a fairly large crack. It is between the frog and the sign so doesn't show unless you look, but I didn't want to send my buddy something that was cracked, and he was the last one. I have him setting at the far end of my pool, and looks good. ^_^

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Patti, I'll have to Forever Rely On God for every wish that I ask for!
Lord knows it's hard for me to be good, as I'm only 90% perfect!! Lol!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL @ Jaye. You are doing good if you are 90% good. Not sure I could rate myself that high. ^_^

I'll check the store next time I am in town to see if they have that same froggie this year. Cross your fingers, and maybe say a little prayer that I find one. See, you will be praying for me and not asking for yourself, which isn't a bad thing either.

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