(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

"I am not sure how many here know Sue Taynors. She is most often found on Jaye's Sweet Interuptions thread. She lost her daughter this past week in a most horrible way. Her daughter was murdered. Several people have approached me about making a "Comfort Quilt" for her. I spoke with Jaye and we think we have a way to do this and get it done quickly.
Sue loves her flowers so we thought of having those who want to join in send me 8" squares of a pretty floral material. I will sash all of them and pass them down to Jaye who is going to Quilt as you go. We felt this would work up nicely. It would be a simple quilt showing our love for Sue. It is one of those times when less is more and simple is love....We can save the piecing and the applique and the embroidery for a time when we don't need something so quickly....

Remember, I am asking for 8" blocks

I would like to be able to spend this month sashing blocks and have them to Jaye by the middle of May. I would send them down to her each week as I got them done. If you would like to participate with this. Please let me know and I will sign you up. "

Some names may not be familiar as they are from the other building but know and love Sue too....

Barb - quilter5bdsr - REC
Jaye - heavenscape - REC
Marion - abbisgrma - REC
Pat - psychw2 - REC
Linda Kay - taters5 - REC
Karen - siliolegma - REC
Susan - Tallulah_B - REC
Betty - bettypauze - REC
Kathy - Kizmo - REC
Judy - seedtosser1 - REC
Crissy - crissyr - REC
Gloria - morknotmindy - REC
Dorothy - LaVonne - REC
Sherri - Seray - REC
Cindy - purpbutfly - REC
Synda - SYNDA - REC
Thea - thea1962 - REC
Helene - helenethequeen - REC
Charleen - ridesredmule - REC
Christine - wildflowers - REC
Robin - arejay59 - REC
Thunder - barefootT - REC
Robin - Catbird423 - REC
Kathy - Jordankittyjo - REC
Cookie - Joycet - REC
Ric - Henryr10 (It will be for his SO/DW, Robyn who's close to Sue too) - REC
Cheryl - cheriffic - REC
Dianne - kidneyguy - REC
Anita - Diamond919 - REC
Ayrica - sassafrass - REC
bj - bjwilson - REC
susan - FruitOfTheVine - REC

This message was edited Apr 19, 2012 2:07 PM

This message was edited Apr 20, 2012 12:21 PM

This message was edited Apr 21, 2012 9:01 AM

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