CLOSED: WANTED: Belly Dance CDs, Costumes, Jewelry, Etc

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I am wanting to learn belly dancing and have several DVDs to teach me. I'm looking for inexpensive costumes, veils, scarves, fabric, jewelry, shoes, etc. for this new hobby.

I have lots of plants to trade. Most are perennials, exotic mints, daylilies, grasses, and such. I like to grow the more unusual stuff, so not much of my stuff is ordinary. I can send a list if you're interested.

I also have several Cricut cartridges. They're all like new and may not even have been used at all, but they have all been opened. I lost interest shortly after buying it all. New, most of the cartridges are around $100. If you'd like a list, I can send one if you have any belly dance items I'm interested in.

If you're interested in trading with me and have great feedback, like I do, then message me. If you don't have a lot of feedback or are new, I'd expect to receive your end before I send out mine. If that's not ok, then pass me by. There are scammers who pop in for a very short time and "steal" from the rest of us, so many of us oldies are now cautious.

Hoping someone here would like to trade. If so, post here or dmail me.


Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Please dmail me.. I have a few scarves that I believe will be perfect for what you want..and I'm interested in the Cricut cartridges, depending on if they're what I have already or not :) And if they are.. plants work too LOL..


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