Is this plant a day lillie?

Hutto, TX

I will preface by saying I am posting from a smart phone that is not my long suit. I will do my the larger plant a day lillie. My purchased this plant maybe a year and a 1/2 ago. I just liked the looks of it not reslly knowing what I bought. ...the similar looking plants are day lillies. I split the one plant in the bed pictured last fall after reading slme tips on this forum. The big plant only gets morning sun at best....please give me some expert advice..

Thumbnail by hornstrider Thumbnail by hornstrider Thumbnail by hornstrider
Baltimore, OH(Zone 6a)

If it is a daylily it will probably survive where it is. Send some pictures when it blooms.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Not a daylily.
It's Dietes bicolor.

If you look at the large center stone, on the left side of it, you'll see one blossom of it.

Hutto, TX

JasperDale, and poplarcreek........thank you for your responses. I know nothing about daylilies except that I know my wife planted one in the picture above, and last year it bloomed, and I noticed it was a beautiful flower. I have been a member of DG for 6 years, and spend most of my time on the tomato forum. I am a very good veggie grower, and I am now trying to learn about growing flowers. After my wife I.D.ed the daylilie for me I came to this forum to try to learn something about the plant. I had no idea that so many people were daylilie enthusiasts. After reading a few posts here on the DL forum I learned I could split them. I did just that last fall, I split one to make three. How do I care for them?. The three plants pictured above all get different sunlight. All get morning sun, and the one in the upper part of the bed (very top) gets full sun. Any suggestions would be fact please suggest other plants that might help the bed pictured above. Thanks in advance.

This message was edited Apr 4, 2012 8:03 AM

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