What happened to my little citrus

Wellborn, FL

This happened over two days. What can I do?

Thumbnail by cheviothunter Thumbnail by cheviothunter
Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

Did you change it's location? Maybe from shade to sun? Or from a sheltered spot to a windy one? It looks like either sun, wind or cold damage to me.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I agree--sunburn was my first thought. If you had it indoors or in a greenhouse for the winter, you need to adjust it gradually to higher light levels when you move it outside in the spring.

Wellborn, FL

It has always been in the same location and we haven't had any radical temperature changes. I've never seen anything quite like this before. Thank you for your responses.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Sunburn's unlikely then if you haven't moved it, but cold or wind damage could still be a possibility. Damage from either of those can take some time to show up so you might not have noticed a problem right away after a frosty night or some windy weather but weeks later the damaged parts of the leaves die and turn brown and that's when you notice it.

Not in a city, Barbados

How is it now? Did you ever find out what the problem was? I do hope that it is much better now.

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