Help daylily leaves turning from dark green to yellowish.

Edwardsville, IL(Zone 6a)

My daylilies have grown and were dark green and healthy. Free Wheelin pictured here was light green all along, but Now about 8 r 10 are looking weak and turning yellow green. the center fans seem to be falling over a bit. I did put milorganite around them 2 weeks ago.

Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Some of mine are doing that too. I think its the cold weather we are now getting. They were getting used to warm and now it is cold again.

Beaverton, MI

I also think the same thing as hemlady due to the cold.

Baltimore, OH(Zone 6a)

I would guess cold. My new plant of Free Wheelin is doing the same thing. A few others are too. Consistently warm weather should help. Dick

This message was edited Mar 30, 2012 12:47 AM

Waddy, KY

I've seen some do that sometimes. I've also seen the center eventually rot and you can pull the heart out of them. I think some sort of mite has been blamed for it. This was discussed on another forum years ago. I don't remember what was said to do about it though. The plants grew out of it eventually but they had to put out side shoots.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh, I certainly hope it isn't some type of bug. Too cold out for that I would think. Its been in the 40's for the last 2 days. They are saying snow showers here today. I certainly hope not.

(Michele) Cantonment, FL(Zone 8b)

It also looks like chlorosis.

I've had one or two do this in a bed with 100 other daylilies that looked normal. A little ironite or Epsom salt cleared it up. I had another one that was in a pot that someone gave me that looked like yours and I planted it a bed and gave it slow release fert., alfalfa, chicken litter, Epsom salt, and a little ironite and it's now greener than the other daylilies. It was just lacking nutrion.

Edwardsville, IL(Zone 6a)

Yes, Free Wheelin does look like your photos for chlorosis. Glad to know those tricks, Michele. I'm thinking on the others it probably is the colder weather like several comforted me with.
Thanks All,

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