heard migrating Redwings tonight

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

hi all

I'm just in from bringing the car into the yard and heard the first Redwings of the year. It goes to show that winter is just around the corner.

I'm part of Wildlife Rescue, here in N Ireland, and had a baby swallow brought to me over the weekend but it died.


Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well i thought all the swallows have gone but no there are still some knocking about, must be the mild weather keeping them here.That is something i would like to do Mark when i retire is be part of wildlife rescue, you looking after things until they can get better and then freeing them. So sorry about baby swallow, but that is how it is, as a mother of 3 i have had all kinds of birds brought to me in the past, some survive some did not, i cried over them too.Remember one little sparrow many moons ago being kept in a box in the utility room and feeding it with a bit of milk and a dash of brandy(we had won it in a raffle) and shortly that bird was flying round the room fit as a fiddle, so we opened the window and off it flew, as many birds are mainly suffering from shock and stress.

This message was edited Monday, Oct 22nd 7:03 PM

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