plum tree bark disease with dark pink spores need advice

Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)


My 25-yr old semidwarf Wickson plum has a disease near on a major branch about two feet above where it branches from the trunk. A year ago I pulled up some suspiciously loose bark to find the cambium dead or gone and masses of magenta powder, presumably some kind of spores. I pulled off the remaining suspicious bark and tried to find out what the disease is -- no luck. There was no apparent spread of the disease for awhile, but now the edges of the prior diseased areas recently showed up with more loose bark and pink powder. There is no obvious affect on the foliage or fruit of that branch other than somewhat reduced vigor.

Does anybody out there have an idea what this is, and what to do about it? Thanks!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Some pictures would help, or if you can't get pics then find out when the next sick plant clinic is at UC Berkeley Botanical Garden and bag up a sample and have them look at it--for sure they'll know what it is.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I just looked quickly but found several sources that mentioned your plum in particular with nectria infection. Produces a mostly salmon spore but can be varied in color to deep pink, reddish pink and so may be the " magenta" that you describe.

Shows its ugly self in the spring

Burien, WA(Zone 7b)

I have seen a few nectria infections before and they are usually very orange and on the outside of the bark. Not to say it couldn't be underneath the bark, but I suspect you would see the characteristic spores on both sides of the bark at least.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=644&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=2e5tT7PwN67ZiALihY22BQ
They are pretty easy to identify once you know what the look like.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I just gave a quick look but figured if just getting started may have not worked its way out yet. Like you, I am familiar with the bright orange paprika looking....but then ran into the description of the reddish pink. Since the Wickson plum was specifically mentioned thought it would be worth a look.

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