It's Spring Chat and Pictures

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Blomma, your seedlings look great! I think Mike meant he had some seedlings already started to plant in the ground. I, on the other hand, must start them outside, as I have no room in the house to start them. They'll have to take their chances, and I feel they will be more hardy because of it.

Genna, what a nice looking bloom. I hate it when I miss out on blooms because of work. I have 2 Fridays a month where I work a 13 hours shift, and it gives me no time to enjoy any blooms on those days.


Wyoming, MN

Christmas at my house today. I received my Blueridge shipment. Wow! 11 plants plus 6 bonus plants. Soaking in bushel sized container. Will be busy tomorrow.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Gary we are happy for you. "Do tell ! Which ones did you get ?

Wyoming, MN

I got
Edna Selman
Blazing Lampsticks
Heavenly Dragon Fire
Yellow Titan
Heavenly Jetfire
Orange Splash
Dynamite Bright
Glory Days
Fiesta Latina
Flaming Flamingo
Big Bird's Friend

Bonus included
Vanilla Victory
Wizard's Wish
Mountain Bluebird
Red Peacemaker
Ruffles and Ribbons
Lollipop Kisses

I have several nice reds and wanted to brighten it up a little.


Gary, I have about 60 or so of his DL but none that you ordered. I did look up Fiesta Latina for the fun of it. The name attracted me. It is a beauty. Will have to consider that when I order again.

Here is a link that I use a lot and have in favorites. It is to AHS Daylily data base.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Gary, what a great shipment! I will be getting mine from him soon, as well. Last year I got about 12 from him, and about that same amount in bonuses. I couldn't believe it! The box was huge! Can't wait for this year's shipment.

Blomma, I happen to use Tinkers daylily database a lot more, as there's usually more pictures. One thing I don't like about the AHS database is that they only use photos from the actual hybridizers. Sometimes those pics are not so good and just don't do the daylily justice. I like to see a few pics to get a good sense of what it looks like.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Gary, I just checked out all those ones you got. Some really nice ones there! Looks like you really like the Gossard cultivars. I do, too. Oh, and Flaming Flamingo is one I've wanted for a couple of years now. I've met the hybridizer, Ellen Laprise, who lives not too far from me. She and here husband are really nice people. She doesn't have many cultivars of her own, but what she does have is really nice. I love her Bob Marley.


Wyoming, MN

Karen, the box was huge. The plants are too.Besides the bonuses most of the ones I ordered had more than the number of fans won. Bob Marley is on my want list too. The only bad part LOL is that until some new growth starts it will look like a newly harvested corn field around here.

Blomma thanks for the link.


Gary, Lol that is the way mine looks and still does until new growth have taken over. The outer leaves tend to crisp up yellow.

What amazes me is that the bonuses are not the run of the mill kind. I have received some that are pretty new varieties.

We had rain all yesterday, and last night. Yipee, badly needed!

Wyoming, MN

3.5" of rain last nigh with a little more I haven't checked on yet. Went from 84 to 60 degrees last night. 60 for the high today.May not get planting done until tomorrow. We really needed the rain too. I was going to water but decided to give the weatherman one more chance to be right. She was LOL.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Gary, we got a little rain last night also. Not even close to 1/2 inch but, it was welcome. Every little bit helps.

My Iris seedlings are blooming. Some already did as I posted above. One is off white with yellow hafts. Will take photos later when flowers are more open.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Wish we would get some rain. We sure need it. We were getting at least an inch a week in April but now that May is here, nothing.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

We are bone dry here! Not a good sign for this early in the year.... we have had a little rain during the spring, but very little - and a dry, dry fall. I am afraid there will be LOTS of things lost even with watering if we don't get some rain!! Watered again tonight, but I can see the lack of rain is really taking its toll - plus the temps are above normal too.

I haven't received my Blue Ridge shipment yet. Inquired about it back in mid April because it was getting so hot here. Sure hope it comes soon. I don't have many ordered so they may be filling orders largest to smallest or something. Never ordered from him before but heard great things so I am looking for the box any day! With my luck it will probably come Thursday or Friday,.... my son is getting married out of town this coming Saturday and I will be out of pocket to care for plants!

Those of you with rain....when you get enough can you please send some southward??


Genna, you can contact Bob and ask when he will ship. He usually notifies you the day it goes in the mail. If he hasn't sent it, you can request a shipment when you want it. I alway request it in end of May but this year spring is early so didn't request it.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL! Gary, I know what you mean about it looking like a newly harvested corn field when you've planted new DL's. Most of my new ones are going into well established gardens, so it doesn't look so bad, as there are lots of mature DL's to compensate.

Did I mention that last week, or the week before, I got an order of DL's from Woodhenge Gardens (Jim Murphy and Margo Reed)? Excellent plants, and much bigger than just 2 fans, as ordered. Nice bonus of Santa's Pants, also. I will definitely order from them again next year.

I'm still waiting for my shipment for Bob, but I'm in no hurry. I still have others from other orders to be planted. Got one planted today, but I was concentrating on getting stuff potted up for selling. The one I planted was Memorial To Steve. I got 3 fans of that one, and really looking forward to seeing it bloom. I've read such good things about that one, and will be using if as a hybridizing plant.

Blomma, I look forward to seeing pics of your seedling irises.

We have been getting plenty of rain this month, though earlier in the spring we had a long stretch with no rain, and I was getting worried that I would have to start watering everything. So glad for the rain. Been getting plenty, but not too much. Wish I could send some of you guys some of our rain.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

I have been piling on the mulch to conserve moisture. Got a little rain a couple nights ago. The big show missed us and moved into Indiana.
Prairie Wildfire struggling to get going.
Heard this is good for new plants. Mixed in with compost, garden soil, potting soil, Milorganite, Alfalfa, etc. Anyone else use this stuff for other than eating ? LOL!

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Use it every day.... but for eating..... never heard of using it on plants.

I will contact him and see if he can hold til next week. I really need them in the ground, and it will be a struggle for them to get established in this heat and drought..... but I sure don't need them sitting in a box for days before I get back either! Thanks


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My first daylily bloomed this week. I am just starting a new bed and was exxcited to see it! I planted some seed but think I am going to have to dig them up and start over. I wasn't aware of the 'proper way' to do them until I asked.

I lost a lot of my Oriental and Asiatic lilies last year through the heat and drought. We had good rains in April but May is a disaster! We have had .15" for the whole month! Yup ... .15! The record set back on 1897 was .80 for the month. The month isn't over but they are not calling for rain the rest of the month, except 10% on Memorial Day. I'm not liking this one little bit! Can some of you share? ^_^

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Wish I could share some rain, Crit. We got a good amount today. It was a nice, soaking rain, too, not heavy and driving and windy. My gardens are happy, and so am I. We got lots and lots of rain this month. Hate to make anyone jealous. I feel bad that I can't share the wealth.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, here is my first DL bloom of the year, a NOID. This one has always started blooming the last week of May, and it's been blooming for 2 weeks now, meaning we are about 3 wks ahead here. I will have nothing but annuals in bloom by Sept/Oct, and few of those, as I can't afford that many this year.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I am wondering what will be blooming come summer here with all the heat and drought this early on...... plus everything being so far ahead of schedule! Strange weather year for sure!

My daughter graduated last Thursday night, and my son is getting married this coming weekend....figured those two occasions were our best shots at rain - and NONE in the forecast. WHo knows....maybe July will be like it was 3 years ago and we will get rain the whole month. But I sure hope we get some soon! My sister is traveling to singapore in June and the way it is now, I will have to go to her house everyday to water......

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week....something tells me I want be back on line for several days! :)


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Quote from hostages :
I got
Edna Selman
Blazing Lampsticks
Heavenly Dragon Fire
Yellow Titan
Heavenly Jetfire
Orange Splash
Dynamite Bright
Glory Days
Fiesta Latina
Flaming Flamingo
Big Bird's Friend

Bonus included
Vanilla Victory
Wizard's Wish
Mountain Bluebird
Red Peacemaker
Ruffles and Ribbons
Lollipop Kisses

I have several nice reds and wanted to brighten it up a little.


Nice haul! I am sure you will like them all but here is a sneak preview of two that we share (blooms from last year)

Flaming Flamingo 6-17-11
Fiesta Latina FFO 6-17-11

I also have Edna Selman, but it has not bloomed yet.

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Wyoming, MN

Ditch thanks for the pics.

When I contacted Bob he said he was behind in shipping due to weather. He was very quick to respond to inquiries and very good at communications in general. With the size of the plants he sends he wouldn't even have to send bonus plants. But the bonus plants are just as nice as the ones you buy.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

He does send great plants. Last year I bought six of his intros he was selling on the LA:

FIESTA LATINA (Selman 2007)
MEERKAT MANOR (Selman 2007)
MOOD SWING (Selman 2008)

And then, due to fortuitous timing (being the last shipment to go out that day) I also received a cornucopia of bonuses (also all Selman intros):

Autumn Romance
Edna Selman
Monkey Shine
Frog Song
Actions Speak Louder
Surreal Possibility

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Please tell me again where this is that you get your lilies?

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Crit we get them from Bob Selman at Blueridge on Ebay, the Lily Auction and on their own website

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

DL206, that's a great bunch of daylilies you got from Bob last year. Nice haul on the bonuses! I know I've mentioned this before, but I got just as many bonuses from him last year as plants that I paid for. Still waiting for me box from him for this year, but it should be here soon. Here's what I'm getting:



Karen, you will love Chinese Chariot. I have it. See below.

Thumbnail by
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

blomma, that is beautiful!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Very nice, Blomma! It's quite striking. Thanks for sharing your pic.


Thanks for the compliments. Yes, it is even more striking in reality. I am hoping to use it as pod or/and pollen parent this season since I will have several others to cross it with. Yipee!!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, I would like to use it for hybridizing as well.

Early this month I got a shipment of DL's from a great seller on eBay from down south. I know I shouldn't be buying southern bred daylilies, as they may not do well for me, but I wanted to use these in hybridizing. Here are the ones I got from her:



Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

This one was planted at the end of last month. Dynamite Returns. Lots of scapes!
Stella's Sparky--ffo

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I was able to contact Bob last week and he is holding my shipment until this week! So that was one less stress.... :)

I will have to go look at my list of what I ordered....been so long I have forgotten what is coming!

Beautiful blooms everyone! love that Chinese chariot.

Wyoming, MN

I was gone over the weekend. I came home to find that they are looking great. One even put a scape 12" into the air. It rained nicely while I was gone. All of the garden plants are looking lush and happy. The one with the scape is Edna Selman.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Karen, you have a great bunch coming in. Roses In Snow has been putting on quite a show. I have posted it elsewhere, but it deserves another look.

Roses In Snow 5-5, 5-7, and 5-9

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

The other one is Texas Beautiful Bouquet.

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mike, nice to hear you have lots of blooms on your new DYNAMITE RETURNS. I like that STELLA SPARKY!

Great pics of those 2, DL! Can't wait till mine bloom. I have so many scapes up now. Things are really coming along.

Gary, I'm glad to hear you got some rain. We could use some more, for the gardens, and for a free car wash for me (and for so many others). The pollen is horrendous right now! It's all over everything. My car is covered, as is everyone else's.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

We had the 4th dryest May in history since 1897 (.80") with 1.5" of rain. We were below the dryest with .15" until the last couple of days in May. Praise God we are continuing to get nice showers. We received 3/4", then 1/4" and it is raining nice and gentle today.

Love the pics of everyone's DL's. I had 3 roots of Dream Legacy I had received from a swap that were packaged but they never came up. I dug up the area last week and no sign of what I had planted, so I guess all 3 of them were bad. I have received some new plants in trades that already have scapes and I have not even gotten them in the ground. LOL When I have a little dry time, I'll get them in the ground.

I read a post somewhere and didn't know if they were being fecisious or serious so am going to ask you guys. They said DL's love clay soil. What is the verdict on that?

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