Vitex: too late to prune?

Manning, SC(Zone 8a)

I never got around to pruning my vitex after it bloomed last season. Is it too late to do it now?

Conway, SC

I pruned my Vitex in Jan. and it is just now putting out new growth. I cut it often to use it in arrangements and it will come back and bloom again. Therefore, I don't think you will hurt it if you prune it now. Mine gets out of control real fast so I just prune when I think it needs it. Not that that is the right thing to do.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

not too late at all....i prune mine all season long...nothing stops it.

Manning, SC(Zone 8a)

Great, thank you! I hate to ruin those blooms, they kind of take the place of the lilacs I loved so much back in CT.

Johns Island, SC

Chop them! You'll be amazed at their recovery. (This from a former denizon of Southbury, Conn...)

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