Is this an early spring?

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

We live in Massachusetts, but have a summer home in Albany, Maine, near Bethel (NH border). We came up 3 times this winter and each time there was a good snow cover. Nevertheless I've heard in general in New England that this was a warm winter. My question is, in Maine is this an early spring? The snow is almost all gone and the witch hazel is in bloom. Last year it bloomed April 1. Is this spring as unusual as 2010?


Thomaston, CT

Can't speak for Maine, but I've never had lilies coming up in March in CT.....turkey vultures were back in Jan., and phoebes & palm warblers are here the old magnolia in the center of town is ready to open....crazy!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I know since last year the weather has been out of whack ... snow in oct.. blooms in march.. I am frightened to see what this summer is going to hold for us

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Its pretty much all round warmer everywhere. I have lilies up and am concerned there will still be cold weather here. It sometimes snows in April.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

LAS to answer your question YES! LOL
This was an extremely mild winter and early spring. However, i've lived in Maine all my life and I don't believe we are done with snow yet. That being said, if we DO get more it won't last as the ground is thawing quickly. Once that frost layer is gone, no snow will last for long on the ground. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ Can you tell this pleases me? Hee hee he!!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

yep same here.. I saw my delphinium popping up yesterday.. with the lilies

Thomaston, CT

The area where I usually plant my peas has a few ice crystals in April....this week it was barely damp!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have echinacea already coming up!!!!

Thomaston, CT

Peonies in front of the post office are up about a foot.....

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Everything in my yard is farther along than usual--peonies,daylilies, geraniums, bleeding hearts, lilies, and more. Normally there isn't that much green stuff (and red peony shoots) even on Patriot's Day holiday in mid-April. Although adequate now, I'm concerned about getting enough rain this year. It would be nice to drill a well for the garden.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

June Bugs in March? Strange indeed!!!!

Thumbnail by pixie62560
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


Thomaston, CT

I thought I heard one hit the screen last night, but I was like "Nah, couldn't be"....saw my first butterfly yesterday on the dam....copper colored....

Warners, NY

Crocus and Iris reticulata are finished already, forsythia and magnolias are blooming as are wild spice bush and shad blow. It is difficult to predict what the summer will be like; if the rest of the Spring follows the winter pattern then maybe there will be no freeze, if the summer is dry and hot we gardeners are in for a stressful year---or an early start. Farmers around here are plowing and planting already with oats and alfalfa going in. Daylilies, my main interest are half a foot high and I'm watching for Spring Sickness. I have a lot of seedlings I would like to replant somewhere as I have a bad habit of planting seeds too close together in the Fall and then find two hundred seedlings two years later in a five foot row. And if I get them spread out some of them may bloom this year but if I move them I may not get bloom until next year. And I Know better. As Huxley wrote people keep doing what they should not and not doing what they know they should with predictable results and then they're unhappy. And now my back (my Doc calls it a horror) with old surgery, arthritis and narrowing discs decides to act up just when I need to get busy. But still--it's Spring and the earliest, warmest, prettiest one in a long while so I'm having a wonderful time, back pain or tiresome family notwithstanding. And we got a new cat today after putting our poor old kitty to sleep a couple of weeks ago----but that's another story and should probably be in another thread or forum.-----------------------------------Weedy

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

we have a pets thread...

Hope the back holds up for you!!!.. this spring needs it to!!

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

If we started an ailments thread, I bet there's be a lot to post! Yesterday I got 5 big injections of botox. No, not to be more beautiful, but to release my left shoulder. It's amazing stuff. Big projects, here I come.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Try the Prayers forum

Lunenburg, MA(Zone 5b)

We're getting a hard freeze tonight, had one last night, so I'm glad I didn't go ahead and plant my peas like I was thinking.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

well summer like temps def gone for a bit, I have the pellet stove running

Thomaston, CT

Peas like the cold! Next week back to 70s here!

Nortborough, MA(Zone 6a)

yes, that was a nice tease of summer we got, and now in MA they are saying we might even see snow this week? I was hoping all my succulent cuttings would be able to go outside for the first time, but we'll have to wait. I just hope this summer isn't super dry. my mom was just in VT and she said it looked terrifyingly dry

Thomaston, CT

My veggie plot is a dust bowl!

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Pixie62560, how are your crocuses, etc., doing with the hard freezes every night? We're back in Massachusetts and I'm wondering about my 7 or 8 crocuses, but am suffering anxiety about the delphiniums and poppies that had sprouted during the hot spell.


South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Las I have no idea as im in VA right now. But it snowed a couple of inches yesterday.

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