Wild Blue Lupine Seeds Needed

Litchfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Hello All,

I'm writing today on behalf of the Litchfield Area Garden Club, in Litchfield NH. Our State Butterfly is the Kerners Blue Butterfly, and it's host plant is specifically wild blue lupine. The butterfly is now endangered in NH. We are working with the highschool Ecology Club to increase the concentration of wild blue lupine in the area, to (hopefully) increase the numbers of the butterflies. If any of you have an abundance of seed of it, that you would not mind donating, we would be very appreciative. Feel free to d-mail me with any questions.

Thank you, and Happy Gardening!

Jennifer Dionne
LAGC President

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

If your still looking at the end of this season,I may have, to send you some.I have a few only had not collected any seeds from them.Good hopes and wishes with your project,we have a few of those butterflies here in Indiana if were talking about the same thing,only I thought they hosted only on wild hyacinth.

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7a)

You could try contacting local wildlife preserves that host the butterfly and see if they know of anywhere local that has seeds or plants.

Litchfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Thank you both for your replies! We are working with the Ecology Club at our local high school, and I know they have been in touch with the State regarding support, etc. They have secured some seed and have started growing plants, but we are hoping to increase their seed supply so that more plants can be started.

Thank you both so much!

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Have you contacted the New England Wildflower Society? Many native plant groups host seed exchanges.

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